
  • 网络water street;Water St
  1. 不过,新贝德福却远非水街和瓦平所能比拟的。

    But New Bedford beats all Water Street and Wapping .

  2. 在水街和瓦平,人们只看到一些水手来来去去;

    In these last-mentioned haunts you see only sailors ;

  3. 绍兴传统水街民居集落的保护与更新

    The Renewal of Traditional Waterland Settlement in Shaoxing

  4. 一辆警车在布鲁克林珍珠水街被陷在了水中,一个男的正试图把一它车挖出来。

    A man tried to dig out a police car , which was stuck in the snow at Pearl and Water Streets in Brooklyn .

  5. 在对旅游影响和社会资本进行分析解构的基础上,对济南市芙蓉街社区和曲水亭街社区进行了实证调查。

    Based on the analysis of tourist impact and social capital , the paper takes Furong and Qushuiting communities in Jinan for empirical survey .

  6. 水桶打翻了,大量的水泼洒在街上。

    The bucket fell over , sending a shower of water into the street .

  7. 德国工业旅游面面观(十一)&存储着历史与未来的汉堡水上仓库街

    The Multifaceted Industrial Tourism in Germany XI

  8. 每年农历“五月节”,惠州多为河水涨满,“龙舟水”使各街(村)的龙船队兴趣倍增。

    May Festival , rivers around Huizhou mostly rise , the swelling rivers add interest to the dragon boat competition teams in various streets ( villages ) .