
  • 网络cereal essence
  1. 血源于脾胃化生的水谷精微,具有营养和滋润全身的功能。

    Blood originates from cereal essence transformed by the spleen and stomach , and has the functions of nourishing and moistening the whole body .

  2. 脾胃后天之本,气血生化之源,在受纳、腐熟以及水谷精微的吸收、转输布散等过程中起主导作用。

    Stomach with the source of qi and blood , the day after tomorrow , in the physiological processes in the food material receiving , digestion and water absorption , microscopic transfusion play a major role .

  3. 脾胃同为气血生化之源、后天之本,在饮食物的受纳、消化及水谷精微的吸收、转输等生理过程中起主要作用。

    As the source of qi and blood and the foundation of acquired constitution , spleen and stomach take important roles in many physiological processes , such as receiving materials in the diet , digestion and absorption of the food , and transfusion of the nutritional elements .

  4. 它的主要生理功能是腐熟水谷将精微物质转化胃气血,泌糟粕、蒸津液。

    Both is the choice small material of liquid sex , with nutrition moist for its main function .

  5. 胃虽为六腑之一,但是具有受纳和腐熟水谷的生理功能,是脾主运化水谷精微的先决条件,其生理意义同样非常重要。

    Though the stomach is one of the six fu-organs , it has the physiological function of receiving food and decomposition , so is the prerequisite of the spleen to transform and transport subtle , its physical significance is also very important .