
  • 网络water displacement efficiency;oil-water displacement efficiency
  1. 层状砂岩油藏提高水驱油效率的对策分析

    Counter-measure analysis of oil water displacement efficiency in stratified sandstone oil reservoir

  2. 中高渗砂岩油藏水驱油效率及波及规律研究

    Study on Water Displacement Efficiency and Sweep Efficiency for Sandstone Reservoir with Medium or High Permeability

  3. 砂岩孔隙结构对水驱油效率影响的研究

    Effect of sandstone fore structure on the efficiency of water drive

  4. 因此,选择合理的注入压差对提高水驱油效率是十分重要的。

    Choose reasonable inject pressure is important to improve the displacement efficiency .

  5. 静电场对水驱油效率影响的微观实验研究

    Experimental study of effects of electrostatic fields on waterflooding efficiency

  6. 砂岩储层某些孔隙结构参数与水驱油效率的对比关系

    A correlation between some parameters of pore structure and oil displacement efficiency

  7. 特低渗透储层提高水驱油效率实验研究

    Experimental study on enhancing oil displacement efficiency of waterflooding in ultra-low permeability reservoir

  8. 表面活性剂能够提高此类储层的微观水驱油效率10%左右。

    Surfactants can improve the water displacing oil efficiency by about 10 % .

  9. 孔隙结构是决定特低渗储层微观水驱油效率的主要因素。

    The pore structure is the most important factor that effects water displacing efficiency .

  10. 直流电场提高水驱油效率的数值模拟方法

    Numerical simulation method for enhancing waterflooding efficiency using

  11. 马岭低渗油藏孔隙结构对水驱油效率的影响

    The effect of pore structure on water drive efficiency in the Malin oil field

  12. 用孔隙结构参数预测水驱油效率的一个模糊数学模型

    An indistinct mathematic model for predicting the efficiency of water-oil displacement using pore structure parameters

  13. 挥发油油藏原油不同脱气程度水驱油效率实验室研究

    The Study of Water-Drive Efficiency for Volatile Oil Reservoir in the Different Dissolved Gas Condition

  14. 而较强的微观孔隙结构非均质性,是造成注入水波及效率不高、水驱油效率较低的主要原因。

    The evident anisotropism is the main reason of low sweep efficiency and water displacement efficiency .

  15. 低渗透砂岩储层启动压力及水驱油效率影响因素实验研究

    The Experiment Study of the Influencing Factors on the Threshold Pressure and the Driving Oil Efficiency of the Low Permeability Sandstone Reservoir

  16. 水驱油效率是驱替压力梯度的函数,随井网密度的增大而增大;

    The oil-water displacement efficiency is the function of displacement pressure gradient and furthermore increases with the rise of well spacing density .

  17. 油气藏具有构造幅度低、非均质性严重、低阻油层发育及水驱油效率低等特点。

    The reservoirs are characterized by low height trap , serious heterogeneous reservoir , low resistivity and poor efficiency of water driving oil .

  18. 本文旨在探寻大庆油田砂岩储层某些孔隙结构参数与水驱油效率的对比关系,对文中所用的参数进行了分析;

    In this paper , correlations between some parameters characterizing pore structures and oil displacement efficiency are discussed , and these parameters are ana-lysed physically .

  19. 特低渗透油藏水驱油效率影响因素研究&以西峰油田白马中区长8油层为例

    Study on Water-flooding Influential Factors in Super-low Permeability Reservoirs & By Taking Chang 8 Reservoir of Middle Baima Area in Xifeng Oilfield as an Example

  20. 提高注水强度、注水压力可有效地提高水驱油效率,且对中低渗稠油油藏更敏感;

    Waterflooding efficiency can be effectively improved by raising water injection intensity and injection pressure and it is more sensitive to mid-low permeability heavy oil reservoirs ;

  21. 为解决该块能否实施注水开发的难题,开展了油水渗流特征、水驱油效率等多项实验研究。

    In order to know whether this block can be developed by waterflooding , experimental studies have been conducted , including oil / water percolation characteristics and water drive efficiency .

  22. 超细水泥封堵技术是封堵油水井高渗透层段,减少产水量或无效注水,提高注入水驱油效率的有效措施之一。

    Superfine cement plugging technology is an effective way to plug thief zone , to reduce water production and / or invalid water injection , and to improve oil displacement efficiency of injected water .

  23. 结论弱亲油储层与亲水、弱亲水、中性特低渗储层的微观水驱油效率相当或无显著的差别,但无水期微观水驱油效率明显低于亲水性储层;

    Conclusion It is the same as other wettability low-permeability reservoir 's water displacing efficiency and the water displacing oil efficiency in water free oil production period is lower than low permeability water-wet reservoirs obviously .

  24. 结果西峰油田特低渗弱亲油储层微观水驱油效率平均49.3%,无水期驱油效率21.3%;

    Results The average water displacing oil efficiency of low permeability weak-oil wet reservoirs in Xifeng Oilfield is 49.3 % , the water displacing oil efficiency in water free oil production period is 21.3 % .

  25. 实际的室内实验资料研究表明,该参数与储层的原始含油饱和度、残余油饱和度以及水驱油效率、无水采收率等密切相关,回归所得方程的相关系数很高。

    The value of the parameter is generally less than 0.7 . The practical laboratory researches show that this parameter has a close relationship with the original oil saturation , residual oil saturation , the water-drive-oil efficiency and water-free recovery ; the correlated coefficient in regression equation is very high .

  26. 升平油田目前已进入高含水期,亟需探索高含水期提高水驱驱油效率技术的新途径。

    Shengping oilfield has entered into high water cut stage , so it is urgent to explore new ways of raising water flooding displacement efficiency technology .

  27. 预测水驱砂岩油田驱油效率的方法

    A Method for Prediction of Oil Displacement Efficiency in Water Drive Sandstone Reservoir

  28. 用模拟油藏注水驱油的不稳定状态法测定了油藏砂岩岩样的润湿性对油、水相对渗透率以及驱油效率的影响。

    The influence of the wettability of core samples from reservoir on the relative permeability of oil / water and on the oil displacement efficiency was studied experimentally by means of the unstable state method . Water flooding in reservoir was simulated .

  29. 实验表明低孔、低渗和储层微观双重孔隙结构是造成注入水启动压力、水驱油效率差异大的根本原因;

    The essential reason that the great difference exists in parameters of starting pressure and water driving oil rate lies in low porosity , low permeability and double-porosity texture .

  30. 通过模型驱替实验确定在不同驱替压力、注入水倍数下的水驱油效率差异,分析并找出影响储层驱油效率的主要因素。

    By micromodels oil-water displacement experiment ascertained the difference of displacement efficiency in vary displacement pressure and vary water multiple , analysed and fond out the major factors affecting reservoir displacement efficiency .