
shuǐ zhǔn diǎn
  • Benchmark;bench mark
  1. 数据处理工作部分,主要讲述全省三角点成果和水准点成果的数据处理及入库过程。

    To data management , this paper mostly discusses data manipulation and input of trig point result and bench mark result .

  2. 本文第二章和第三章就分别介绍了三、四等三角点成果和山东省水准点成果平差处理的方法和过程。

    In chapter two and chapter three of this paper , much adjustment method and process of third-order and forth-order triangulation and bench mark of Shandong province are discussed .

  3. 基于Matlab的水准点稳定性分析

    Analysis of the Benchmark Stability Based on Matlab

  4. 以GPS水准点作为起闭点的三角高程导线闭合差限差之讨论

    Research on Closure Tolerance of Trigonometric Leveling Traverse Taken Two GPS Leveling Points as Initial Points

  5. 利用GPS水准点加强和改善天文重力水准网

    To Strengthen and Improve the Leveling Network of Astronomy and Gravity with the Application of GPS-leveling Point

  6. 本文基于Matlab采用单点位移分量法,对两期水准点的观测资料进行分析,检验水准点稳定性。

    This paper analyses the benchmark observational data of tow periods and tests for benchmark stability based on Matlab .

  7. 利用GPS水准点上高精度的大地水准面起伏作为控制,消除它们之间的系统差,进而将模拟大地水准面转换至GPS水准面并进行内插达到精化大地水准面的目的。

    Because the GPS-Level points have high precision value of geoid undulation , they can be used as control points .

  8. GPS技术可以确定验潮站水准点的地壳垂直形变,结合验潮数据获得的海平面相对变化,可以确定海平面的绝对变化。

    By using high precision GPS data and tide gauge data , the absolute change of local sea level is monitored .

  9. 以水准点高程数据变化说明地面沉降历史现状。利用Matlab检验水准点的稳定性

    Historical actuality of ground settlement is explained Using changes of benchmark height data . TESTING FOR BENCHMARK STABILITY BASED ON MATLAB

  10. 介绍如何利用GPS水准点加强和改善天文重力水准网的原理、方法及实现的途径。

    The paper introduces the theory , methods and ways to be realized upon how to strengthen and improve the leveling network of astronomy and gravity with the application of GPS leveling point .

  11. 浅谈水文站基本水准点的复测与考证问题基于CATIA平台的水电三维标准件模板库

    Discussion on Repetition Measurement of Basic Benchmark of Hydrometric Station Hydropower Project Three-dimensional Standard Parts Database Based on CATIA

  12. 本文讨论了在小地区水准点的个数较少的情况下,借助于少量的三角高程点,采用线性及非线性改正的方法,对GPS高程进行改正,以确定GPS点的正常高。

    In an area where there are only few benchmarks , by making use of a few trigonometric leveling points on the area and utilizing the method of linear correction or nonlinear correction , we can amend the ellipsoidal height of a GPS point and get its normal height .

  13. 永久水准点及高程控制网的建立方法

    Built Method of Permanent Benchmarks and Altitude Control Network

  14. 用高差变化量检验水准点稳定性的数表运算

    The tabular calculation method of testing the benchmark stability by the change of difference in elevation

  15. 现介绍本次永久性水准点的施工方法及高程控制网的建立过程。

    The present construction method of permanent benchmarks and establishing process of altitude control network are introduced at present .

  16. 本文探讨了沉降观测中的几个问题,阐述了从水准点、沉降观测点的埋设,观测方法、精度指标的确定等。

    The problems such as burying of bench marks and settlement observation points , observation method , determining of precision criteria etc.

  17. 中海壳牌南海石化项目因工程建设的需要,在厂区范围内建立了四个永久性水准点作为场地高程控制网。

    The four permanent benchmarks are built as the altitude control network in the place because of the requirement for the CSPC Nanhai petrochemical project 's building .

  18. 从温州典型软土地基的实际出发,介绍了如何确保水准点埋石质量,以达到城市高精度的高程基准网建设;

    In or-der to construct a high precise Geodetic datum network for city , we introduce how to ensure quality of burying the level points considering the typical soft foundation of Wenzhou .

  19. 在确保GPS/水准点成果可靠的前提下,用其对重力法计算所得的高程异常模型进行框架约束,以削弱重力系统与高程和坐标系统间的系统差,实现系统转换,提高最终模型的精度。

    Under the condition of reliable GPS / level data , boundary restriction to gravitational height anomaly model is made , which aims at weakening the system errors existing in the transform between gravity system and height system , achieving the system transform , improving precision of ultimate model .

  20. 研究工作使用天津地区第一海相层底板埋深、全新统地层钻孔、深层基岩标和历史水准点等一系列资料,获得天津市和邻近地区构造沉降的平均速率为1.7mma左右。

    Based on a series of data related to the depth of the first marine layer bottom , the borehole of Holocene , the deep lift marks of bedrock and the historical bench marks in Tianjin area , the average velocity of tectonic subsidence is 1.7mm/a has been obtained .

  21. 水准联测点的分布状况对GPS高程的拟合精度有明显影响。

    The distribution of the GPS leveling points obviously affects the accuracy of interpolated GPS height .

  22. 研究证明,采用一定密度及合理分布的GPS水准高程联测点,选择曲面函数模型拟合区域大地水准面,是平原区域确定正常高的一种行之有效的方法。

    Researches have proved that adopting certain density and properly scattered joint-observation points of GPS level elevation , then choosing curved surface function mathematical model is an effective method of determining normal elevation to fit regional geodetic surface .

  23. 用GPS水准法测定单点垂线偏差

    The Determination of Vertical Deflections Based on GPS Leveling Observations at Discrete Points

  24. 我们需要更多创业者来创造就业岗位,帮助恢复生活水准,这一点似乎已经得到了人们的广泛认可。

    There seems to be widespread acceptance that we need more entrepreneurs to create jobs and help restore living standards .

  25. 利用四参数多项式模型将这一重力似大地水准面拟合到由GPS水准点控制的GPS水准似大地水准面。

    In order to establish the GPS leveling geoid , the gravity geoid is fitted by suing GPS leveling point under four-parameter model .

  26. 在此基础上编制的GPS水准拟合软件,具有可以指导GPS水准点的布设、检验GPS水准点中的粗差等功能。

    The software based on the above studies has some functions that it can guide the layout and detect gross errors of GPS-leveling points .

  27. 讨论了用GPS水准方法来拟合小区域水准,推算未作水准联测的GPS点高程,并根据实测结果进行具体分析,得出此方法可满足道路工程对高程精度的要求。

    The paper discusses the imitation of little region level and the reckoning of GPS points altitude which not be level surveyed using GPS level method . By the specific analysis , it is concluded that the method can satisfy the demand of the level precision in road engineering .

  28. 基于原有似大地水准面,在区域设计一些具有高精度的GPS大地高和水准高的公共点,采用数学拟合方法可得该区域似大地水准面的精化模型。

    By designing some points with high precision GPS-height and leveling-height in the studied region , the refined model of quasi geoid based on the existent one can be obtained with the method of mathematical simulation .

  29. 利用GPS水准高程来实现GPS网点的大地高向正常高转换,其精度主要受所拟合的似大地水准面、已知点高程和GPS网点的大地高三种误差的影响。

    The ellipsoidal height can be converted into normal height using the height of GPS leveling , its fitting precision will be impacted mainly by the errors of known point elevation the ellipsoidal height of GPS points and the quasigeoid .