
  • 网络coal water slurry boiler
  1. 高压水煤浆锅炉燃烧、传热、积灰结渣及污染物排放特性的试验研究

    Combustion , Heat Transfer , Deposition , Slagging and Pollutant Emission Characteristics Experimental Studies on High Pressure Coal Water Slurry Boiler

  2. 南海发电一厂有限公司为了降低生产成本,提高上网竞争力,新建了670t/h超高压水煤浆锅炉。

    In order to reduce the manufacturing cost and improve the enterprise 's integrated ability to compete , Nanhai Power Plant 1 built a 670t / h ultra-high pressure coal-water slurry boiler .

  3. 水煤浆锅炉由于燃料中存在的水分,以及燃烧时雾化和结团的影响,PM2.5和PM10的质量分数低于一般煤粉炉。

    PM2.5 and PM10 mass fractions were lower than those of typical pulverized coal boiler because of the high water content of fuel and the atomization and coagulation during combustion .

  4. 本文研究了无烟煤、烟煤锅炉的NOx排放规律,并对首台全国产水煤浆锅炉的NOx排放进行了试验研究,提出了水煤浆锅炉低NOx运行的优化方法。

    NOx emission laws of anthracite , bituminite-fired boilers were studied here . Experimental study was made in the first coal water slurry fired boiler in China . Optimized methods were offered here to CWS fired boiler 's low NOx emission operation .

  5. 认为采用热电联供、CFB锅炉和水煤浆锅炉、大系统能量集成、工艺装置热联合、柔性设计和计算机辅助优化运行等能量转换新技术,是未来中国炼油企业的选择。

    It is considered that co-generation , CFB boiler and water-coal slurry boiler , energy integration in big system , heat integration in process units , flexible design and the computer-aided optimal operation for energy conversion will be the selections for domestic refineries in future .

  6. 670t/h水煤浆锅炉运行问题及改造

    Alteration and Problem in Running of the 670t / h CWM Boiler

  7. 75t/h水煤浆锅炉顶棚过热器破裂分析

    Rupture Analysis of Top-Superheater of 75t / h Water-coal Boiler

  8. 浅议水煤浆锅炉的技术特点及其应用

    Discussion on Technological Characteristics and Application of Coal-water Slurry Boiler

  9. 变频调速控制系统在燃用水煤浆锅炉中的应用

    The Application of Frequency Variable Control System in Water-Coal Slurry Fired Boiler

  10. 模糊模式识别在水煤浆锅炉结渣特性判别上的应用

    Application of fuzzy pattern identification for slagging characteristics judgement in Coal-Water-Slurry fired boiler

  11. 220t/h水煤浆锅炉喷嘴改进研究

    Improvement and Research on sprayer nozzle of 220 t / h CWM boiler

  12. 气动脱硫技术在220t/h水煤浆锅炉上的工业化应用

    Industrial Application of Pneumatic Desulfurizing Technology in 220t / h Coal-Water Slurry Boiler

  13. 220t/h水煤浆锅炉的化学清洗

    Chemical Cleaning for 220 T / H CWM Boiler

  14. 水煤浆锅炉着火燃烧的影响因素分析

    Analysis of Influence Factors for Ignition and Combustion of Coal-Water Slurry Fired Boilers

  15. 220t/h水煤浆锅炉燃浆雾化喷嘴改造探讨

    Renovation for Jet Nozzles Used for Coal Liquid Atomization of 220 t / h CWM Boiler

  16. 研究结果对水煤浆锅炉的开发与设计提供了可靠的理论依据。

    The study results would provide reliably theoretical basis for the developing and design for CWM boilers .

  17. 新建670t/h超高压水煤浆锅炉的设计与调试

    Design and Commission of a New 670 t / h Superpressure Coal - Water Slurry Firing Boiler

  18. 模糊控制技术在水煤浆锅炉炉膛负压控制系统中的应用

    The Use of Fuzzy Control Technique in Water-coal Starch Boiler Negative Pressure of Boiler 's Chamber Control System

  19. 670t/h水煤浆锅炉储运、燃烧系统运行分析及优化

    Operation Analysis and Optimization of the Storing , Transporting and Combustion System for 670t / h Coal-water Mixture Boiler

  20. 国内首台670t/h水煤浆锅炉的燃烧调试与运行质量体系认证中的委托代理关系

    Combustion commissioning and operation of the first 670t / h coal-water slurry fired boiler in China Commissioning Relations in the Authentication

  21. 采用冲击式尘粒分级仪对水煤浆锅炉电除尘器前后的细灰粒径分布进行研究。

    The fly ash before and after electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) of coal water slurry ( CWS ) boiler was studied by using a seven-stage cascade impactor .

  22. 本文首先介绍了锅炉冷态试验和燃烧调整试验,结果表明锅炉的设计是成功的,为进一步推广水煤浆锅炉在电厂中的应用起到了示范作用。

    The cold model experiment and combustion adjust experiment indicate that the design of the boiler is successful and function as a demonstration for furthering the application of coal-water slurry in utility boiler .

  23. 670t/h水煤浆锅炉及其配套的水煤浆储运系统,是中国水煤浆研究和工程应用领域的最新成果,其运行情况基本上是成功的。

    The 670t / h CWM boiler and its storing and carrying system are the latest production in the research and project application field of the CWM in China , and basically the running is succeeded .

  24. 对取自2台水煤浆锅炉3对各具代表性灰的熔融温度和熔融过程动态特性进行了深入研究。

    An in-depth study was conducted concerning the fusion temperature and fusion process dynamic characteristics of three representative pairs of ash samples taken from two units of coal water slurry ( CWS ) - fired boilers .

  25. 中国石化吉林分公司为了降低化工产品的生产成本,提高企业综合竞争能力,新建75t/h高压水煤浆锅炉。

    In order to reduce the manufacturing cost of chemical product and improve the enterprise 's integrated ability to compete , Jilin sub-company of China petrifaction build a 75t / h high pressure water coal slurry boiler .

  26. 介绍了4.2MW燃水煤浆热水锅炉的结构、设计运行参数、锅炉的工作过程和先进性。

    The paper introduced construction , design and operation parameters , work processes and strongpoint of4.2MW CWM fired hot-water boiler .

  27. 670t/h锅炉是目前国内大型燃用水煤浆的锅炉。

    670 t / h boiler is the one to use CWM ( coal water mixture ) at present in China .

  28. 随着国家能源政策的进一步调整及环保要求的逐步提高,水煤浆工业锅炉将有广阔的发展前景。

    With the adjustment on the policy of the country 's energy resources and the advance on the environmental protection , CWS-fired industrial boiler will be used more and more ;

  29. 低粘度水煤浆对电站锅炉燃烧的影响及制浆技术的研究

    The Effect of Low Viscosity Coal Water Slurry on Power Station Boiler and Slurry Making Technique Study

  30. 通过燃烧器放大后移加炉底风的热态模化法,对某电厂长宽比为1.5∶1、六角切圆布置的水煤浆大型电站锅炉空气动力场进行了系统的试验。

    The paper reports on study result on aerodynamic field in a high length-width ratio , large capacity CWS utility boiler through the method of hot simulation after amplifying combustor and adding furnace bottom wind .