
shuǐ bīn
  • waterfront;waterside
水滨 [shuǐ bīn]
  • [waterside] 靠近水的场所;岸边

  1. 水滨的达利博物馆修缮一新后令人惊艳,精致餐厅比比皆是。在市中心,沿着古老的中央大道(CentralAvenue),活力向前蔓延,这多少要感谢此地的精酿啤酒。

    With a redeveloped waterfront , a stunning Dali Museum , and sophisticated restaurants in place , the downtown energy is now heading up historic Central Avenue , thanks in part to the craft beer scene .

  2. 在光芒四射的埃斯特角城(PuntadelEste)与放荡不羁的何塞伊格纳西奥(JoséIgnacio)附近,永远不缺少精品酒店、侨民艺术馆和私人水滨酒吧。

    Around glamorous Punta del Este and boho-chic Jos é Ignacio , there 's no deficiency of boutique hotels , expat art galleries and exclusive waterfront brasseries .

  3. 它位于距阿克伦西南几英里的东部水库(EastReservoir)的东南水滨的树丛中,树丛中还有其他七座别墅。

    It stood with seven others in a grove on the southeast shore of the East Reservoir , a few miles south of Akron .

  4. 几年之后,人们会见到一座尽善尽美的CalNevaResort,这座度假村过去属于歌手弗兰克·辛纳塔(FrankSinatra),经过一场大规模的改建翻新之后,它将新增若干水滨酒店,在南太浩湖地区重出江湖。—

    In the next few years expect to see everything from the Cal Neva Resort , once owned by Frank Sinatra , open after a big renovation , to a South Lake Tahoe with new waterfront hotels . -

  5. 这座现代艺术建筑群由BabyBjorn公司的创建者伯恩·雅各布森(BjornJakobson)构思设计,2012年开业,致力于举办各种流派的展览。它坐落于华美的水滨,距离市中心只有20分钟的公交车程。

    Conceived by Bjorn Jakobson , the founder of BabyBjorn , this modern art complex opened in 2012 with genre-busting exhibitions in a gorgeous waterfront location that 's only a 20-minute bus ride from the city center .

  6. 何以知家给,笙歌满水滨。

    Home to know why , Shengge Water over the foreshore .

  7. 水滨,水边水体边缘的土地;

    Land bordering a body of water ; a bank or shore .

  8. 戴着头巾的母亲们看着孩子们在水滨公园里追逐打闹。

    Mothers with headscarves watched their children frolic in the waterfront park .

  9. 我驾车去水滨区。

    I drove down to the waterside .

  10. 广州城内外的相关官署和海阳等馆驿大都位于沿城南、城西的水滨,与海外贸易交通有关。

    Most government offices and posthouses were located along seaside in the south and west of the city .

  11. 《诗经》中有相当数目的情歌吟咏于水滨河畔或与雨水密切相关。

    A considerable number of love songs in The Book of Songs were either composed on bank of water or closely related to water .

  12. 艺术的恩惠为“潜行者”预备着一份憩息之水滨的想象,使得人们能想象现实之外仍有救赎之可能。

    The saving grace of art is that it provides these " sleepers " with the idea of a shore to rest on , so that they can imagine the possibility of redemption somewhere beyond reality .

  13. 充分体现以人为本的思想,重视滨水空间的规划设计,结合城市景观规划,以水造景,把水景观融入城市景观,为市民创造一个安全、舒适和富有情趣的水滨环境。

    For making a safe , comfortable and agreeable waterfront environment , waterfront space plan should be emphasized and waterscape can be incorporated into urban landscape , so as to reflect the thought called design for people .

  14. 国王的营帐靠近水滨,包围在灰色的河面晨雾里。帐篷用金丝织成,乃是整个营地里最大也最华丽的建筑。

    The king 's pavilion was close by the water , and the morning mists off the river had wreathed it in wisps of grey . It was all of golden silk , the largest and grandest structure in the camp .