
  • 网络Geser
  1. 卫拉特《格斯尔》是蒙古《格斯尔》的重要版本之一。

    Velatic Gesi'er is one of the important editions of Mongolian Gesi'er .

  2. 论傣族谷物神话与谷物祭祀蒙古人的格斯尔崇拜

    On Grain Myth and Grain Worship of the Dai People

  3. 随着《格斯尔》在蒙古族地区的广泛流传,格斯尔形象在蒙古人心中也深深地扎下了根,成为他们崇拜的人物。

    With the extensive spreading of Geser in Mongolian region , Geser has become a worship hero of Mongolian people and is impressed deeply by the Mongols .