
  • 网络water jet;water-jet;Water jet cutter;Water-jet dissector
  1. 医用水刀的临床研究进展

    Clinical progress of medical water jet

  2. 在削减成本的努力中,水刀技术向您提供了多种独一无二的功能和优点。

    In the cost-reducing efforts , water jet scalpel provides many unique functions and advantages for you .

  3. 水刀切割设备应用于临床称为医用水刀。

    Water-jet cutting equipment called medical water-jet while application in clinical .

  4. 超高压水刀在石化行业的应用

    Application of superhigh pressure water cutting machine in the petrochemical industry

  5. 数控水刀在石材切割中的应用研究

    Application of digital control water cutter to cutting of natural rock materials

  6. 水刀在外科手术中应用的文献分析

    Literature Analysis on Water Jet Scalpel Applied in the Surgery

  7. 水刀分离技术用于面神经解剖的动物实验观察

    An animal experimental observation on facial nerve dissection by water-jet

  8. 水刀高强度的复合高压缸设计

    Design of superhigh pressure combine cylinder for water jet machining

  9. 我们可以根据客户指定的设计和尺寸来做出水刀拼花。

    We can do water-jet as your size and design .

  10. 水刀切割钛及钛合金中厚板工艺初探

    Primary Study on the Waterjet Incision for Thick Titanium and Its Alloy Plate

  11. 螺旋水刀碎石手术的护理配合

    Nursing Care in the Hepatic Resection by Helix Hydro-jet

  12. 水刀在全球范围内广泛用于高产量应用。

    A water jet scalpel is widely applied to high-capacity application in the world .

  13. 目的对比研究螺旋水刀和超声刀在肝叶切除术中的应用。

    Objective To evaluate the use of water-jet dissector and ultrasonic dissector ( CUSA ) during hepatectomy .

  14. 水刀流束具有会严重影响工件精度的特征。

    Bundle of streamline of water cutter has the characteristic of seriously affecting the work piece precision .

  15. 医用水刀已经被广泛应用于创伤外科手术、耳鼻喉科手术、颌面外科手术等外科手术中。

    Medical water jet has been widely used in maxillofacial surgery , trauma surgery , ENT surgery .

  16. 深入了解水刀技术,将使您有机会利用这些节省成本的切割设备。

    Deep comprehension of water jet scalpel will provide you a chance to utilize the cost-saving cutting equipments .

  17. 每小时花多长时间运行加砂水刀并不重要。

    It is not important that how long it takes for running the sand-added water cutter per hour .

  18. 水刀已经证明自己可以完成其它技术无法处理的工作。

    A water jet scalpel has proven to be able to accomplish tasks impossibly fulfilled with other technologies .

  19. 加砂水刀不会造成薄板材料变形。但是会减轻应力。

    Sand-filling water cutter will not result in the distortion of thin plates , but will reduce the stress .

  20. 结论螺旋水刀和超声刀在肝叶切除术中均是安全、简便和有效的工具。

    Conclusion Both water-jet dissector and ultrasonic dissector ( CUSA ) are all safe , simple and effective instrument in hepatectomy .

  21. 在水刀切割过程中,材料不会变的很热,但可能变暖。

    During the process of water cutter cutting , the materials will not be very hot , but may be warm .

  22. 利用前混合磨料射流技术和数控技术,研制出了新型的低压水刀。

    A new lower pressure water jet cutter is developed , which using the technology of premixed abrasive jet and CNC .

  23. 提出一种新的玻璃管切割方法。介绍了加沙水刀切割玻璃管的工艺实验现象。

    A new method for glass tube cutting is provided and the experimentation on glass tube cutting with abrasive water-jets is introduced .

  24. 方法将110例直肠癌手术患者分为两组,均行全直肠系膜切除术。一组术中应用螺旋水刀进行分离盆腔;

    Methods A total of 110 cases with rectal carcinoma were divided into two groups , both of which were treated with TME .

  25. 作为我国高压水射流切割机的第一个产品即“大地水刀”,已进入市场两年多了。

    The first commodity of China made UHP water jet cutting machine ( Dadi Water Cutter ), has come into market for more than two years .

  26. 除低成本切割外,水刀还被认为是世界上功能最多样、增长速度最快的加工技术。

    In addition to cost-saving , a water jet scalpel is considered as a processing technique in the world with most functions and highest rate of growth .

  27. 当代潮流是把水刀增加到设备加工车间,作为其它切割技术的替补。

    The modern trend is to add a water jet scalpel to equipment processing workshops and use it as alternative for other cutting technique , such as EDM , laser , milling machine and plasma processing .

  28. 即使砂料是加砂水刀运行成本的三分之二,也必须快速生产工件以消耗间接费用(劳动力、设施、租赁费用)。

    Even sand is two thirds of operation cost of sand filling water cutter , and also must be rapidly produce the work pieces to consume the indirect expenses ( labor force , facilities and lease expense ) .

  29. 经济效益对比分析结果表明,水刀切割钛及钛合金中厚板的费用仅为火焰切割费用的1/3左右,水刀切割所耗时间为火焰切割的1/5左右。

    The contrast analysis shows that the cost of waterjet process for cutting thick titanium plate is one third as lower as that of blaze incision process , the former working time is one fifth as less as that of the latter .

  30. 手柄由直径细小的喷孔和围在其外周的吸引器管道组成,医用水刀工作时产生的废水可通过吸引器管道排到废水箱中,不会流向地面,保证了手术室的整洁。

    Handle constitute of small orifices in diameter and suction connecting tube , medical water jet working will generated wastewater , it can through attracting pipeline row to wastewater container , will not flow to the ground , to ensure the operating room clean and tidy .