
  • 网络Water Conservancy Science;water science
  1. 关于水利科学基础学科中若干问题的Delphi调查

    Delphi Investigation on Some Questions in Water Science

  2. 基于多维组合的水利科学数据分类体系及其编码结构

    Classification system and code structure of water science data based on multi-dimensional assembly

  3. 我们以江西省水利科学研究所为样本,开发出江西省水利科学研究所管理信息系统(MIS)软件。

    We take Jiangxi Province Water Conservancy Science Research Institute as the sample to develop the software of the management information system of Jiangxi Province water Conservancy Science Research Institute .

  4. 论文根据北京市水利科学研究所在北京市东南郊水资源试验区取得的试验资料,以0~3m土层作为土壤水库的界定深度,分析其对降雨的调蓄能力;

    Ac cord-ing to the information observed from the experimental site of water resources to the south-east plain of Beijing , the0 ~ 3m layer soil was determined as the defined depth of soil reservoir and its pondage capacity was analyzed .

  5. 重点介绍了在与北京市水利科学研究所共同研制的TCTS系统(节水型便器检测系统)中后续水检测的设计及实现。

    This paper introduces the design and implement of the succedent water testing in the TCTS ( Toilet Capability Test System ) which is developed by us , cooperated with Beijing Hydraulic Research Institute .

  6. 十年来中国水利科学的成就

    Ten Years ' Collectivization HYDROTECHNICAL RESEARCH IN CHINA 1949 & 1959

  7. 基于元数据的水利科学数据汇交体系研究

    Research on water resources scientific data collection system based on metadata

  8. 石家庄市水利科学发展思路探讨

    Discussion on approaches of scientific development of water resources in Shijiazhuang City

  9. 水利科学数据共享体系建设初探

    Analysis of scientific data sharing of water resources system construction

  10. 对新世纪中国水利科学发展研究的几点认识

    On China Water Conservancy Scientific Research in the New Century

  11. 水利科学数据共享元数据理论的应用探讨

    Application of metadata in science data sharing of water resources

  12. 水学&21世纪水利科学发展引论

    Hydrology ── guide to the development of the hydraulic science in 21st century

  13. 南京艺术学院学报谈批评和危机及轻批评问题南京水利科学研究院

    Criticism , Crisis and the Problem of Light Criticism ; Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

  14. 聚合物砂浆是黑龙江省水利科学院研制的新型砼修补材料,具有工艺简单,造价低的特点,经过实践检验,质量可靠。

    Polymer mortar is a new concrete repair material which researched by Heilongjiang Province water research Institute .

  15. 水利科学数据共享汇交发布体系及共享平台设计

    Study on Data Collection and Publication System and Sharing Platform Design for Science Date Sharing of Water Resources

  16. 南京水利科学研究院

    Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

  17. 山西省水利科学研究所20年科研及其推广综述

    The Overview of Research And Popularization of Shanxi Institute of Water Resource And hydraulic Research in These 20 Years

  18. 谈谈我国水利科学研究的现状&对《水利学报》的论文、引文及作者的统计分析

    An evaluation of present situation in hydro ─ science research ── Statistical analysis on thesises and their authors of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

  19. 过去的一百多年,人类运用蓬勃发展的水利科学知识与工程技术手段空前提高了防御与控制洪水的能力。

    Pass of more than 100 years , mankind utilizes the scientific knowledge of water conservancy of vigorous development and the project technical means unprecedented ability that raises defence and control flood .

  20. 论述了在现代水利科学深入发展的形势下,水利历史研究的功用;举例说明历史研究的主要领域、途径和方法;

    This paper expounds the functions of water conservancy history in the situation of deep development of the contemporary water conservancy science , it also illustrates the main study fields and its approaches .

  21. 在此基础上,本文初步设计了水利科学数据共享平台的体系结构和服务功能,并从水利科学数据共享中心的规划、共享平台的软硬件配置方面介绍水利科学数据共享平台的建设。

    Furthermore , this thesis initially works out the structure and function of the sharing platform for water resources science data , introduces the construction of this platform from its planning to the software and hardware configuration .

  22. 分析了传统水利科学的不足和优点及其在当代水利科学发展中的价值;阐述了水利历史研究的必要性及其广阔前景。

    It also points out the disadvantages and advantages in the traditional water conservancy science and the value of the contemporary water conservancy science development , and the necessity of water conservancy history study and its wide perspective .

  23. 近几十年间,历史科学与水利科学的交叉和融合形成了独立的水利史学科,提出了带有普遍意义的宏观论证方法即历史模型方法。

    During recent decades , cross and amalgamation of history science and water conservancy science forms an independent subject of water conservancy history , and puts forward the macroscopic reasoning method with universal significance , namely ″ history model ″ .

  24. 从环境科学、水利科学及生态学的交叉视角,采用理论与实践相结合的方法,寻求有效的城市河流综合管理手段,具有重要的理论及现实意义。

    It is of great theoretical and practical significance to seek more effective comprehensive city river management by using the method of theory and practice from the point of view in the fields of water resource , ecology and environmental science .

  25. 南京水利科学研究院对一级开发大柳树粘土斜心墙堆石坝和混凝土面板堆石坝进行了三维非线性有限元静、动力计算;

    The dynamic and static calculations of three-dimensional nonlinear finite for one-stage development of the earth-rockfill dam with an inclined clay core wall and the concrete face rock-fill dam have been made by Nanjing Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research .

  26. 作为河流管理崭新的评估工具和技术手段,河流健康状况的表征和评价及其与河流管理决策的集成逐渐成为生态学、环境科学与水利科学交叉研究的热点。

    Accordingly , as a new tool to assist management of rivers , the characterizing and assessing of river health , integrating of river health assessment and river management decision-making have become the major focuses in the field of ecology and environmental science .

  27. 水利水电科学基金实施初见成效

    Initial results achieved by the science foundation of water resources and hydropower

  28. 应重视并研究古代水利的科学内涵

    Attaching Importance to and Study the Scientific Connotation of Ancient Water Conservancy

  29. 中国水利水电科学研究院

    SCIENCE China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research

  30. 水利系统科学初探

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Science of Water-conservancy System