
shuǐ xià wén wù
  • underwater cultural relics
  1. 在水下文物保护单位和水下文物保护区内,禁止进行危及水下文物安全的捕捞、爆破等活动。

    Within the limits of the underwater cultural relics protection units and underwater cultural relics reserves , any activities that may jeopardize the safety of the underwater cultural relics , such as fishing and demolitions , shall be prohibited .

  2. 本条例第二条第(一)、(二)项所规定的水下文物属于国家所有,国家对其行使管辖权;

    The ownership of the underwater cultural relics specified in Paragraphs ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) of Article 2 of these Regulations shall reside in the state and the state shall exercise jurisdiction over them ;

  3. 2010年10月24日据媒体报道,中国江西省将于下个月在鄱阳湖内陆水域进行水下文物专项普查,这是中国首次开展内陆水域的水下文物考古。

    2010-10-24 East China 's Jiangxi Province will launch an underwater archaeological investigation in Poyang Lake next month , China 's first such project in inland waters .