
  • 网络Exhibition Planning
  1. 会展中心还集聚了一批具有较高水平的展览策划、计、作的合作商。

    The Convention Center also gathers a number of cooperation partners with high – level exhibition planning , design and production .

  2. 旅游展览策划与设计的几个问题

    Several Problems Concerning the Planning and Design of Tourism Exhibitions

  3. 但主办者的神来之笔是延请罗伯特·卡尔森为展览策划。

    But the curators'masterstroke was to enlist Robert Carsen to design the exhibition .

  4. 展览策划,与交流有关&清水敏男访谈

    Exhibition plan concerning communication

  5. 从英国回港后,邓凝姿一直从事艺术创作及展览策划工作,力求将艺术融入社会。

    Tang has been concentrating on art creation and exhibition projects while striving hard to encourage community participation in art projects .

  6. 浅谈广州园林文化展览策划的差异定位&以广州文化公园为例生菜会:广州大众文化的传承与变迁

    General Discussion of the Necessity of Different Orientation of Guangzhou Landscape Culture Exhibition & Taking the Guangzhou Culture Park as An Example

  7. 成立于1978年,拥有的氯化钾是世界上最广泛的服装收藏并展览策划许多全球。

    Founded in1978 , the KCI holds one of the world 's most extensive clothing collections and has curated many exhibitions worldwide .

  8. 自二十世纪八十年代起,他一直积极从事中国展览策划,其中一些展览对二十世纪九十年代的中国当代艺术树立国际形象具有重要意义。

    He has been active in curating Chinese exhibitions since the1980s and some of these projects were instrumental in establishing the international image of Chinese contemporary art of the1990s .

  9. 波顿的展览在策划时,主题明确具体与深思熟虑,参展后却往往特受欢迎。

    Bolton 's exhibitions come from specific , considered beginnings , yet the results have proven exceedingly popular .

  10. 此次展览的策划人郑胜天教授是中国和亚洲当代艺术的专家。

    Curator of this exhibition , Zheng Shengtian is an accomplished scholar and professor in contemporary Chinese and Asian Art .

  11. 这类展览的策划工作主要在于确立展览的构思以及对艺术家和作品的选定。

    In this kind of exhibition , main part of scheme work is to establish the conceiving and to select the artist , works .

  12. 城市规划展览馆布展策划研究&以杭州为例

    Study of Urban Planning Exhibition Hall Strategy : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  13. 展览由郑胜天策划,展出的作品多以人和作为物体的书籍之间的关系为主题。

    In Book without Words , which was curated by Zheng Shengtian , the artist focuses on the relationship between people and books as objects used by people .

  14. 杨:我第一次展览是1997年,我的个展在成都美术博物馆,同时这个展览也是王林当时策划的“都市人格系列展”的一个特展。

    My first personal show was in Chengdu Art Museum in1997 and meanwhile it was also a special show " personality series in the urban " designed by Wanlin .