
zhǎn xiāo huì
  • fair;commodities fair
展销会 [zhǎn xiāo huì]
  • [exhibition fair] 为使购买者或公众了解目前生产的产品的范围和质量而设计的展览会

  1. 柬埔寨越南联合举办商品展销会

    Cambodia and Vietnam jointly sponsor a Commodities Fair

  2. 每年这里都要举办图书展销会。

    A book fair is held here each year .

  3. 为期10天的展销会于昨天开始。

    A 10-day display and sale opened yesterday .

  4. 浏览一下今年消费类电子产品展销会上的精彩部分,你或许会感觉似曾相识。

    Scan the highlights of this year 's Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ) , and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before .

  5. 在北京珠宝展销会上由ZhuFei设计的黄金眼镜。(霸气!)

    Designed by Zhu Fei during gold jewellery competition in Beijing .

  6. 苹果过去曾多次在IDGWorldExpo举办的Mac世界(Macworld)展销会上发布重磅产品。

    For years Apple announced major products at the Macworld trade show .

  7. 皮克斯动画公司CEO乔布斯(此时乔布斯已重返苹果公司)在苹果展销会上作演讲,1997年,1月7日

    In this Jan. 7 , 1997 , file photo , Steve Jobs , chief executive of Pixar , speaks at the MacWorld trade show in San Francisco .

  8. 周二,新秀丽公司(Samsonite)将在拉斯维加斯的旅行用品协会(TravelGoodsAssociation)展销会上推出新的GeoTrakR系列手提箱,它装备有LugLoc公司的手机操控行李追踪系统。

    On Tuesday , Samsonite will introduce a new line of GeoTrakR suitcases , containing a cellular-enabled baggage-tracking system from LugLoc , at the Travel Goods Association trade show in Las Vegas .

  9. 1月份,在奥兰多举行的PGA商品展销会上,麦奎尔推出了GameGolf,用户通过这个产品可以迅速查看他们在各个俱乐部的平均击球距离、每一洞的平均推杆次数、在球道上的准确程度以及其他数据。

    At the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando in January , McGuire unveiled Game Golf , which allows users to quickly see their average shot distance for each club , average putts per hole , fairway accuracy , and other statistics .

  10. SalvatoreFerragamo集团(SalvatoreFerragamoGroup)董事长费鲁乔•费拉加莫(FerruccioFerragamo)表示:在中国,我们还加大了线下的检查,特别瞄准展销会和分销商。

    In China , we have also expanded our offline checks , targeting trade fairs and resellers in particular , said Ferruccio Ferragamo , chairman of the Salvatore Ferragamo Group .

  11. 曾经的Comdex大展表面上看是在拉斯维加斯举行的计算机行业展销会,它一度成为全体硅谷人的年度聚会。

    First there was Comdex , ostensibly a computer-industry buying exposition in Las Vegas that nevertheless became an annual party for all of Silicon Valley .

  12. 她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。

    She pickedupa valuable first edition at a village book sale .

  13. 快投身于本次应有尽有的展销会吧!

    Get Involved in the Expo that has Something for Everyone !

  14. 我和朋友在照应展销会上的这个摊点。

    My friends and I manned the booth at the fair .

  15. 例句与用法:铁路模型展销会将于星期五举行。

    A model railway mart will be held on Friday .

  16. 下一届中国商品展销会计划在吉尔吉斯斯坦举办。

    Next Chinese Commodity Fair is planning to be held in Kyrgyzstan .

  17. 上海展览中心为大、中型展销会提供展销场地。

    Shanghai ExhiBition Centre provides sites for large and middle-scale trade fairs .

  18. 首届中国·曲阳雕刻展销会雕塑精品及旅游纪念品大赛获奖作品

    The Prizewinning Works of the First China Quyang Sculpture Fair

  19. 还有上个月展销会的反馈。

    Then there 's the feedback from last month 's trade fair .

  20. 贸易部长已去世界商品展销会参加升旗

    Trade minister have go to the world fair to fly the flag

  21. 美国厂家也是这次特色食品展销会的主要参展商。

    US producers also are a big part of the Fancy Food Show .

  22. 他经常与我们一起工作,举办每年盛大的代销商的展销会。

    He had often worked with us on our spectacular annual dealer shows .

  23. 这次图书展销会确实是一项巨大的项目。

    The book fair is really a big project .

  24. 参加过国际和国内的许多贸易展销会。

    Having taken part in a lot of international and domestic trade fairs .

  25. 水果展销会,把一个色彩斑谰的世界呈现在顾客面前。

    The fruits sales exhiBition opens up a gorgeous world Before the customers .

  26. 哈维:我感到惊奇的是你们没有在这个展销会上设立展台。

    Harvey : I 'm surprised you haven 't got a stall here .

  27. 你只是想留下好印象而已,不是去参加时尚展销会。

    You want to make a good impression , not a fashion statement .

  28. 消费类电子产品展销会总与技术有关。

    Consumer Electronics Show has always been about technology .

  29. 如何决定哪个展销会最值得参加?

    How to determine which trade fair is best for you and your company ?

  30. 瓷器展销会上,色泽鲜明的各种瓷器用品,十分耀眼。

    At the chinaware fair , various Bright and lustrous porcelain articles are dazzling .