
zhǎn qī
  • Extension;renewal;exhibition period;postpone;defer;extend a time limit;duration of an exhibition;left over
展期 [zhǎn qī]
  • (1) [extend a time limit]∶往后推延预定的日期或期限

  • 因故展期

  • (2) [exhibition period]∶展览的时期或日期

  • 展期预定一周

展期[zhǎn qī]
  1. 本租约到月底需要办理展期。

    The lease comes up for renewal at the end of the month .

  2. 哪一天是汇票的展期日?

    When is the renewal date of the bill ?

  3. 对于已发放的大学生互联网消费贷款,原则上不进行展期,逐步消化存量业务,严禁违规新增业务。

    As for the online consumer loans that have been issued to college students , no extension is allowed and the existing loans should be gradually reduced . Any new loans not in line with regulations will be prohibited .

  4. 方法:回顾性分析对比93例进展期胃癌的CT表现及手术治疗的相关资料。

    Methods : The relation of CT findings and operative data in93 cases of advanced gastric carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed .

  5. 方法:对近3年来33例进展期胃癌患者术前腹部CT检查资料和术后病理进行回顾性分析。

    Methods : CT features of33 patients with progressive gastric carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed by using postoperative and pathologic findings .

  6. 方法:对91例进展期贲门癌的术前内镜、螺旋CT增强扫描等检查资料进行综合分析,并与术后病理进行对照。

    Method : The data of endoscope and spiral CT were analyzed and compared with postoperative pathological finding in 91 cases with advanced cardiac carcinoma .

  7. 方法:32例进展期食管癌术前行CT扫描和MPS检查并与术后病理学比较。

    Method : We reviewed the preoperation CT and MPS appearance of 32 cases of advanced esophageal neoplasms proved by pathology .

  8. 部分希腊债券将展期30年,其票面价值将得到efsf的担保。

    The bonds will be extended by 30 years , and their nominal value will be guaranteed by the EFSF .

  9. IMF暗示反对法国最近提出的临时债务展期等计划,这将不包括削减私营部门所持债权的价值。

    The fund signalled opposition to short-term rollover plans , such as that recently floated by France , which would not involve a reduction in the value of private sector holdings .

  10. 他们强调称,债务展期不太可能构成所谓的信用事件,从而引发信用违约互换(cds)这种违约保险产品的赔付。

    They underlined that a rollover was unlikely to constitute a so-called credit event , which would trigger payments on credit default swaps , a form of insurance against default .

  11. 方法采用微粒子酶免分析法随访测定了36例进展期卵巢癌患者治疗后的血清CA125。

    Methods Microparticle enzyme immunoassay technique was used to examine serum CA125 levels of36 patients with aggressive ovarian carcinoma after therapy .

  12. 芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)7月2日告知毕业生,由于资本市场危机,其贷款合作伙伴无法对其贷款额度展期,这所大学也不能再为学生提供贷款。

    The University of Chicago told graduate students on July 2 that its lending partner was unable to renew its line of credit owing to disruptions in the capital markets and the University was no longer able to provide loans to students .

  13. 本文对展期套期保值的基差(Basis)、展期时机、最优套期保值比率、系列展期套期保值(Strip-and-RollingHedge)以及展期过程中的动态调整等方面进行了研究。

    In this thesis , the author has a brief study on basis of rolling hedges , rolling chances , optimizing hedges rate , strip-and-rolling hedge , and the dynamic adjust of rolling process .

  14. 对展期(Rolling)套期保值的研究,一方面有助于扩大期货交易的套期保值者队伍,繁荣期货市场,另一方面又可以为套期保值者提供理性的保值策略,提高交易者的风险管理能力。

    Whereas two advantages in study rolling hedges , one is that it helps enlarge the hedgers in futures market so as to boom the futures market , the other is that it helps provide rational hedging strategies so as to improve the bargainers ' risk managing ability .

  15. 展期套期保值策略研究本文针对钢铁企业生产过程的轧制模型的建立、轧制策略的优化及钢铁企业CIMS体系结构的建立等若干问题展开研究。

    This paper studies the establishing of rolling model on production process of metallurgical enterprises and the rolling strategy optimization for cold mill . Mean while , the architecture of CIMS architecture used in metallurgical enterprise is also researched .

  16. 44例进展期胃肠道癌肿施行IPHC,另67例作为对照组,进一步研究IPHC的结果。

    44 cases of advanced gastrointestinal cancers were given IPHC treatment and other 67 cases as control . The results of IPHC were further analyzed .

  17. 短期流动性工具(slf)项目下的贷款期限应延长至12个月,可至多展期24个月,动用不超过10倍的限额。

    Loan maturities under the short-term liquidity facility programme should be expanded to 12 months , renewable up to 24 months , with disbursements of up to 10 times quota .

  18. 7月1日,Allco金融集团设法同银行达成了贷款展期,但作为回报,Allco必须支付更高的利息,并承诺减少债务。

    Allco Finance Group managed to negotiate a loan extension with its bankers on July1st in return for higher interest charges and a promise to cut its debt .

  19. CMS和ABIS双方共同讨论制订数据交换协议,根据业务需要商定各自关心的接口数据流,实现贷款、展期、垫款等信息提取、发送、查询功能的数据交换。

    CMS and the ABIS discuss to complete the data exchange protocol , Based on business need to agree on their respective concerns interface data flow , Bring the loan , extension , advances such as information extraction , send , query functionality for data exchange . 4 .

  20. 问题的某些方面已为人们所熟知巨型美国石油追踪基金uso的规模已经如此巨大,以至于当该基金对其优先期货合同的投资进行换单展期时,会导致市场主体出现剧烈波动。

    Some parts of the problem are well known the huge US oil Tracker Fund USO is now so big that when it rolls over its investment in the underlying futures contracts it causes the main market to move violently .

  21. 10例进展期直肠癌骨盆脏器全切除手术经验方法25例晚期直肠癌手术前照射40Gy,放疗和手术的间期为4周。

    The Experience of 10 Cases with Pelvic Exenteration for Advanced Carcinoma of the Rectum Methods 25 patients with advanced carcinoma of the rectum underwent preoperative radiation ( 40 Gy ) followed by complete surgical resection of the tumor with total rectal excision .

  22. 胃癌根治术中腹腔温热化疗结合MMC-CH疗效评价方法对53例进展期胃肠道癌病人分组行围手术期持续腹腔温热化疗,并对其化疗术后1、2、3年生存率对照研究。

    The Evaluation of the Curative Effect on Intraperitoneal Chemo-hyperthermia in Combination with MMC-CH in Radical Surgery of Gastric Cancer Methods 53 patients were divided into treated and control group . The 1,2 and 3 year survival rates of each group were analyzed .

  23. 确保在展期内特定数目的洽谈。

    Assured of specific numbers of appointments during the exhibition period .

  24. 多脏器联合切除治疗26例进展期胃癌

    Combined Multiple Organ Resection in 26 Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer

  25. 投资时期:种子期、展期和让产易股。

    Phase : Seed phase , Expansion phase , Spin-off .

  26. 展期的展场保卫及清洁保洁工作、展馆照明。

    Offer the service of guarding , cleaning and lighting .

  27. 如果没有国际援助,这些贷款就无法展期。

    These loans cannot be rolled over without international aid .

  28. 基于债务展期的企业融资担保合约博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Financing Guarantee Contract with Debt Exceeding

  29. (展期至6月14日,mfa.org)

    ( Through June 14 , mfa . org . )

  30. 42例进展期胃癌的低场磁共振影像分析

    Analysis of low field MRI in 42 patients with advanced gastric carcinoma