
  1. 据英国一项全国性调查显示,55岁以上的人中有82%表示愿意在身故前给子孙提供经济支持。44%的人愿意将房产抵押获取资金来帮助子孙购买首套房或承担他们结婚及上学的费用。

    According to a national survey in the UK , 82 % of people over 55 said they would prefer to give financial support to their children or grandchildren before they die . 44 % said they would consider releasing equity of inheritance tax , tax paid on inherited money or property .

  2. 很多中国人还在为他们的首套房添置家电和基本的电视机。

    Many Chinese want appliances and basic TV sets to fill their first apartments .

  3. 同时也没有任何迹象显示,银行对首套房客户大幅下调房贷利率&中国央行曾多次试图鼓励商业银行这么做。

    Nor was there any sign that mortgage rates are being significantly lowered for first-time buyers , something the PBoC has repeatedly tried to encourage commercial banks to do .

  4. 有些则担当起银行的角色,购买首套房的钱当然是向父母、保险公司和雇佣机构借的。三分之一的意大利人表示自己是通过亲戚找到工作的。

    Some act as banks , loans for first homes inevitably come from parents , insurance companies and employment agencies – one Italian out of three admit to finding a job through relatives .

  5. 上月,中国央行将非一线城市首套房最低首付款比例从25%下调至20%,试图以此来刺激需求。此举突显出了中国“双层”房地产市场中存在的冰火两重天局面。

    Highlighting the contrasting fortunes of China 's two-tier property market , the central bank last month cut the minimum downpayment requirement on mortgages outside of top cities from 25 to 20 per cent , in a bid to boost demand .

  6. 中国政府已经出台政策提高了住房购买者的首付比例(首套房30%,二套房50%),这大大减少了杠杆作用以及风险。

    China has policies that force residential buyers to have enough cash in hand ( 30 % for your first home and50 % for your second ) to minimize leverage and risk .

  7. 近期,中国人民银行(People’sBankofChina)将居民第二套住房首付比例要求从60%以上,下调至30%,执行与首套房房贷一样的首付比例要求。

    The central bank recently cut downpayment requirements for those buying a second property to 30 % from over 60 % , the same level as first-time buyers enjoy .