
  • 网络Head teacher;Coaches or Lead Teachers
  1. 爱丁堡的西方黑尔教育中心的首席教师,亚历克斯·伍德说他们这些人应该检讨自己的良心,推断那些私立学校的不道德的东西。

    Alex Wood , the head teacher of Wester Haile Education Centre in Edinburgh , says they should examine their consciences , inferring that there is something immoral about the private sector .

  2. 首席教师是学校教育教学改革的领头雁;

    It is a pilot of the school teaching reform .

  3. 职业学校实施首席教师负责制的实践研究

    Practical Research on the Implementation of Top - teacher - charged System in Vocational Schools

  4. 首席教师和课程专家。

    Chief teacher and curriculum expert .

  5. 实施首席教师负责制,要变革组织机构,使学校管理重心向中层职能处室和教育管理区下移;

    Implementing top-teacher-charged system , firstly , transforming school management core to middle level sectors and educational precinct by reforming organization framework ;

  6. 首席教师负责制的实施,实现了学校与校外教育人才市场的衔接,增强了教育的针对性,提高了师生的素质。

    The implementation of top-teacher-charged system achieve the connection between schools and outside educational talents market , strengthening educational pertinence , increasing qualities of teachers as well as students .

  7. 实行“首席教师”制度要坚持公开、公平、公正的原则,力求产生最佳的示范效应。实行“首席教师”制度应注意树立明确的目标等若干问题。

    When the chief teacher system is carried out the open and fair principle should be adhered to so as to create the optimal model effect , and the issues such as clear objectives should be noticed too .

  8. 班主任是班级思想政治、道德品质教育的首席责任教师。

    The head teacher is a brief role that is responsible for the political thought and moral character education in class .

  9. 琥珀教育——一所留学咨询机构的首席语言培训教师杨宇廷称,近些年曾有过一些雅思考生成绩被取消的情况。

    Yang Yuting , chief language training tutor at Amber Education , an overseas studies consulting agency , said there have been a few cases in which candidates ' IELTS results were canceled in recent years .