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  • 网络Enlighten them with reason
  1. 坚持思想政治教育理论与实际相结合。既要晓之以理,又要动之以情,才能使受众与思想政治教育传播者实现平等积极地沟通。

    Adhere to the combining of ideological and political education theory and practice , It is necessary to enlighten them with reason , but also move them with affection , To make the audience with the ideological and political education communicators to achieve equal and active communication .

  2. 前芬兰议院员MirjaRyynanen鼓励与会者向政策决策者晓之以理,动之以情,向他们说明并证明获得信息素质是人的正当权利。

    Former Finnish Parliament member Mirja Ryynanen urged participants to tell stories and use emotion in approaching policy makers to explain and justify peoples right to be information literate .

  3. 我对他晓之以理,动之以情。

    Well , I spoke to him with reason and compassion .

  4. 在反劫持谈判中,谈判人员须运用正确的心理策略,动之以情、晓之以理、导之以行,以调节劫持者的情感、认知和意志等心理活动,并进而控制其行为,保证谈判活动顺利进行。

    In anti-hijacking negotiations , negotiators must use psychological tactics , appealing to reason , compassion as well as guidance . By adjusting hijackers ' psychological activities such as their emotion , cognition and volition , negotiators can control hijackers ' behavior and secure the smooth going of the negotiation .