
lì qì
  • edge tool;sharp weapon;good tool;efficient instrument
利器 [lì qì]
  • (1) [sharp weapon]∶锋利的兵器

  • 铁须砺以成利器。--《书.说命上》孔传

  • (2) [efficient instrument]∶有效的工具

  • (3) [outstanding ability]∶比喻杰出的才能

  • 不遇盘根错节,何以别利器乎?--《后汉书.虞诩传》

  1. 我们相信科技能在其中成为一个利器。

    We believe division skill amid makes an edge tool .

  2. VPN技术作为网络安全的利器,得到了非常广泛的应用。

    VPN technology has been widely applied as an edge tool on web security .

  3. 拙匠无利器

    A bad shearer never had a good sickle .

  4. 而WEBService以其与平台和语言无关的特性,使得它可以成为企业应用集成的利器。

    As the independence on system and developing language property of Web Service , it has become an excellent method on EAI .

  5. Web数据挖掘为人们使用Web中的显性和隐性信息提供了一把利器。

    Web mining is a useful method which focus on how to help people use Web and the hidden Web efficiently .

  6. 个人数字图书馆是根据自我需要,自建自用的e时代的私人藏书楼,是个人信息管理的利器。

    The individual digital library is the self-built and self-used private storage building in the e-age based on the self-requirements .

  7. HACCP保证食品安全的利器(二)

    HACCP efficient measures guaranteeing food safety ( Part 2 )

  8. NET、JavaScript是WWW网页编程的利器。

    NET , JavaScript is a sharp weapon that the web page of WWW is programmed by them .

  9. UML建模是一门相当复杂的技术,也是现代系统设计时做系统分析的利器。

    UML model is a complicated technology , and it is a edge tool of system analysis in modern system designing .

  10. 这里的“sharptool”是“利器”吗?不是,括号内注明这利器可以在书店买到;显然,这就是“笔”了。

    To write , you need a sharp tool and a quick mind ( the first of which can be easily obtained from a book store ) .

  11. 除文中列举的实例外,R还可被应用于化学模式识别、图形制作等领域,是化学工作者处理实际问题的一大利器。

    Besides these , R can also do a good job in pattern recognition , graphical techniques and so on , become a valuable tool for chemists .

  12. Eclipse是一个开放源代码的、基于Java的、可扩展的开发平台,它为程序开发人员提供了灵活性以及对软件技术的控制,是软件开发人员进行程序开发的利器。

    Eclipse is an open source , Java-based extensible development platform . It provides flexibility and control of software technology , software developers can program use it .

  13. 作为电子采购工具之一的在线反向拍卖,正逐渐成为大型OEM厂商降低成本的利器。

    On-line reverse auction as one tool of e-procurement is becoming the strong cost-down tools of giant OEM company .

  14. 呼叫中心(CallCenter)作为与客户建立良好连接渠道的现代化服务方式,也逐步成为企业服务客户、留住客户、提高竞争力的一项利器。

    Call Center , as a modern service delivery channels to establish a good connection with customers , have gradually become a weapon of companies to provide customer service , retain customers , and improve the competitiveness .

  15. 从现在的研究来看,SVM受到了各个领域相当的重视,已经成为了分类、预测研究上的一大利器。

    From the present studies it seems , SVM has been considerable attention in various fields , has become a major tool for research about classification and predication .

  16. 同时也可作为室内照明设备,取代以往卤素灯的单一选择,LED灯照明光线集中且明亮,是室内营造气氛的绝佳利器。

    At the same time also can be used as indoor lighting equipment , replacing the former halogen lamp single choice , LED lighting concentrated light and bright , is the perfect tool for indoor atmosphere .

  17. DreamWeaverMX是开发网站的利器,也是快速、高效地开发Web应用程序的工具。

    Dreamweaver MX is a sharp weapon to develop website , it is also a tool to develop the WEB application procedure quickly and efficiently .

  18. 此外,虽然现在移动广告收入已经超过Android的研发和维护支出,但Android为谷歌带来的收益还是远远比不上苹果的吸金利器iOS。

    And while mobile ads are covering the costs of developing and maintaining Android , the mobile OS is far from the profit machine that IOS is for apple .

  19. 尾翼稳定脱壳穿甲弹(APFSDS)是杀伤地面装甲目标的利器。

    APFSDS is the main weapon that kills the armor target in battlefield .

  20. 而这次展览会有利于促销它。SP促销是现代市场营销宝库中使用最为广泛的一种拓展市场,促进销售的利器。

    And the show will help promote it . Promoting sale by SP is a good tool which most extensively used for reclaiming market 、 promoting sale in present treasure-house of marketing .

  21. 应运而生的虚拟化技术和VPS主机将成为运营商拓展新业务,推动IDC产业链创新升级的利器。

    Virtualization technology and VPS will be the new business of telecommunication carriers , and promote innovation and upgrading of the industrial chain of IDC .

  22. 分布式多层数据库技术目前已成为构建数据库应用系统的主流技术,Delphi中的MIDAS技术是进行多层数据库应用开发的利器。

    Distributed multi-tier database technology is more and more widely used in constructing database application system . The MIDAS technology of delphi is a good tool of developing multi-tier database application system .

  23. J2ME技术是开放的,它面向对象,功能强大,开发效率高,资源占用低,成为游戏应用开发的利器,被开发者所广泛使用。

    J2ME technology is open , it is object-oriented , powerful , development of high efficiency , low resource consumption , a game application development tool , widely used by developers .

  24. 本文就中国石油天然气集团公司CNPC海外业务成功运作实践,指出数字油田技术可望成为中石油在国际市场竞争中的利器。

    This paper point out the edge toll in the international market competition in the technology of digital oil field can be expected to become , in company with succeeds operation on overseas business of CNPC .

  25. 促销是在营销组合4P中四大要素之一,是企业营销策略的重要组成部分,也是企业参与竞争、贯彻各项战略意图的利器之一。

    Promotion is one of the elements in 4Ps , and it is also an important part of marketing strategy of the companies . It looks like a weapon to help the company to compete with others and implement the strategic intention .

  26. 作为数字时代利器之一的计算机已经通过CAAD(计算机辅助建筑设计/绘图)技术在一定程度上成就了很多现代体育建筑的设计。

    The computer has as one of the digital era weapon of CAAD ( computer-aided architectural design / drawings ) to a certain extent the achievements of many of the design of modern sports architecture .

  27. ASN-206是我军较为先进的一种无人机,尤其是它的实时视频侦察系统,为我军前线侦察提供了一种利器。

    The ASN-206 is one of the most modern UAV of PLA , especially the real-time video reconnaissance system which provides PLA a good way to proceed frontline reconnaissance .

  28. 在西方,人们相信大蒜或用利器插入心脏可以杀死德库拉(Dracula)那样的吸血鬼。而在东方,人们相信用黑色猎犬的血、糯米或者护身符可以抵御僵尸的威胁。

    Just as garlic or a stake in the heart can ward off or kill Dracula and other Western vampires , the living can defend themselves from hopping vampires with blood from a black hound , glutinous rice or an amulet .

  29. CMDB配置管理数据库是对于这些大容量数据处理的有效利器,CMDB系统能够配置管理网络中的资源信息,实现对这些数据的建模、存储和管理。

    CMDB configuration management database for the data processing of the large capacity of the effective tool for [ 1 ] , CMDB system can configure management in the network information resources , realize the modeling , storage and management of these data .

  30. 从出现至今,Rootkit技术发展非常迅速,应用越来越广泛,现在更是被入侵者当作计算机病毒和木马程序开发的利器,而视窗操作系统无可避免地成为入侵者的目标。

    From the emergence of so far , Rootkit techniques development very quickly , applications become more and more extensive , now more is an intruder as computer viruses and Trojan horses , developing a sharp object , and Windows operating system will inevitably become an intruder .