
  • 网络Liberian
  1. 1920年,第一个利比里亚学生从哈佛大学毕业。此后,一直不断有利比里亚人来到坎布里奇求学。

    The first Liberian graduate of Harvard did so in1920 , and since then there has been a steady trail of Liberians to Cambridge .

  2. 那时利比里亚人走了过来.

    And that 's when the Liberians came along .

  3. 利比里亚人团结救人会

    Liberians United to Save Humanity

  4. 她在广播中发表讲话,呼吁利比里亚人周二将选票投入选票箱,不要屈从害怕和恐吓。

    In a radio address , she appealed to Liberians to cast their ballots on Tuesday and not to succumb to fear and intimidation .

  5. 专家认为,这是因为感到害怕的利比里亚人减少了与他人的接触,遗体的掩埋也更安全,医护人员也得到了防护装备。

    Experts attribute that to fearful Liberians touching one another less , more safe burials of bodies and distribution of protective gear to health care workers .

  6. 上周,我听说利比里亚人购买进口大米不再用袋装,而是有越来越多的人用杯子买,他们能买的起的也只有几杯子大米了。

    In Liberia last week , I heard how people have stopped purchasing imported rice by the bag . Instead , they increasingly buy it by the cup , because that 's all they can afford .

  7. 如果那些病毒学家的发现,能和训练利比里亚人开展研究、辨认并阻止疫情、提供优质医疗护理的长期行动结合在一起,结果或许会有所不同。

    Had the virologists " findings been linked to long-term efforts to train Liberians to conduct research , to identify and stop epidemics , and to deliver quality medical care , the outcome might have been different .

  8. 属于或关于利比里亚、利比里亚人的。

    Of or relating to Liberia or its people .

  9. 截至目前,这一疾病已经造成利比里亚至少282人死亡,占西非国家死亡总数的近三分之一。

    So far the disease has killed at least 282 people in Liberia , that represents nearly a third of the total so far in West Africa .

  10. 国际医疗队利比里亚项目的负责人肖恩·卡塞伊(SeanCasey)称,他希望在未来的六周里将这家诊所目前的10张床位增加到70张。

    Sean Casey , the leader of the Medical Corps in Liberia , said he hoped to increase the center 's current capacity of 10 beds to 70 beds over the next six weeks .

  11. 尽管利比里亚的数据给人希望,艾尔沃德仍然持谨慎态度。

    Despite the positive data from Liberia , Dr. Aylward was cautious .

  12. 目前利比里亚有超过400人感染埃博拉病毒后死亡,这是自埃博拉病毒在西非国家爆发以来死亡人数最多的一次。目前埃博拉病毒造成西非国家共1100人死亡。

    Liberia has reported over 400 Ebola-related deaths so far , the highest number of Ebola deaths among the affected West African countries . The overall death toll stands at some 1100 .