
  1. 贷款定价应该充分反映资金成本、风险成本和管理成本,不得笼统将贷款利率上浮至最高限额。

    Loan pricing should fully reflect the cost of capital , risk and administrative costs , not general lending rates to go up to the ceiling .

  2. 通常情况下,贷款利率上浮幅度越大,商业银行越能够覆盖贷款的风险,在一定程度上缓解信贷配给问题,从而在中小企业贷款需求不变的情况下,对其贷款量将会放大。

    Typically , the lending interest rate floating range is bigger , the more able to cover risks in commercial bank loans , this will ease the credit rationing problem to a certain extent .

  3. 日本利率随美国利率上浮。

    Japanese interest rates rose relative to America 's

  4. 目前,存款利率允许比基准利率上浮至多50%,而去年11月前至多只能上浮10%。

    Deposit rates are now allowed to float as much as 50 per cent above the benchmark , up from only 10 per cent before November last year .

  5. 2002年初,央行选择8个县农村信用社进行利率市场化改革试点工作,大幅度提高了利率浮动范围。这8家信用社存款利率最高可上浮50%,贷款利率最高可上浮100%。

    At the beginning of 2002 , the central bank chose eight rural credit cooperatives as the experiment units of interest rate liberation : greatly increased the band by setting a ceiling of 50 % for deposit rates and of 100 % for lending rates .