
  • 网络monthly payment;monthly;monthly installment payment;monthly mortgage payment
  1. 选择性可调利率抵押贷款让借款人可以选择一个较低的最低月供额(通常低于应付利息),一般为5年。

    Option arms allow borrowers to choose a low minimum monthly payment that often falls short of the interest due on the loan , typically for five years .

  2. 根据Edmunds的资料,5月份,5年期汽车贷款的月供已经达到446美元。

    The average monthly payment in May was $ 446 on a five-year car loan , according to Edmunds .

  3. 现在很多人在支付房款月供上都有困难。

    Many people are now having trouble making their monthly house payments

  4. 汽车保险费下降了,汽车月供上升了。

    Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up .

  5. 小苍兰连续6个月供花栽培技术研究

    A Study on Technology of Freesia Flower Production in 6 Consecutive Months

  6. 五年贷款降低标准不再要求月供来偿还本金。

    The five-year loans required no payments to reduce principal .

  7. 当房主无力支付月供的时候,房贷证券也就价值了。

    When those homeowners'were unable to pay their mortgages , the securities lost value .

  8. 修改后的贷款月供平均降低了350美元以上。

    On average , the modifications have cut monthly payments by more than $ 350 .

  9. 最低月供与全额月供之间的差额将计入抵押贷款余额。

    The difference between the minimum and the full payment is added to the mortgage balance .

  10. 想想如果没有月供,自己花钱能有多少自由度。

    Imagine how much more freedom you would have without also having to manage your monthly mortgage .

  11. 现在,许多有浮动利率贷款债务在身的人不能交纳他们的月供。

    Now , many people who took out adjustable-rate mortgages may not be able to make their payments .

  12. 人们只是从月供的角度来审视房价,看自己能否支付得起。

    House prices are simply viewed through the lens of monthly repayments that either can or cannot be afforded .

  13. 承上题,你认为每个月供款投资真的可变富翁?

    The above question , do you believe you can become a rich man by way of monthly investment ?

  14. 月供更高的话,就会消耗掉原本用于度假、退休储蓄、教育储备和其它财务支出的资金。

    Higher monthly payments eat into money available for vacations , retirement savings , educational nest eggs and other financial goals .

  15. 其目的是将五年内的月供减少至借款人月收入的31%以内。

    The goal is to reduce monthly payments for five years to no more than thirty-one percent of the borrower 's monthly income .

  16. 虽然在有些情况下,月供跟你每月租房的费用差不多,不过买房后,还会产生一些其他费用。

    While a monthly mortgage payment may be comparable in some cases to a monthly rent , there are other expenses to consider .

  17. 有些人马上就把房子与抵押贷款都抛在了一边,也有些人只是制止缴纳月供,直到银行把他们从房子里踢出去。

    Some are leaving behind their homes and mortgages right away , while others are simply halting payments until the bank kicks them out .

  18. 贷款发放机构必须接受这种部分结清抵押贷款,并将月供与本金同样减少20%。

    Creditors would be required to accept this partial mortgage pay-down and to reduce the monthly interest and principal by the same 20 per cent .

  19. 无法单独承担房产月供或租金,越来越多的夫妻选择离婚后仍然生活在同屋檐下。

    An increasing number of divorced couples choose to live separate lives under the same roof because they can 't make mortgage and rent payments solo .

  20. 中国电信销售这部手机带有每月49元起的套餐,而中国联通提供的是月供66元起。

    China Telecom sells the phone with a monthly package starting from 49 yuan while China Unicom is offering it with a monthly rate starting from 66 yuan .

  21. 不过,打从他们不再缴纳月供、搬离自己的房子之后,却发现放弃美国梦也自有其好处。

    But ever since they quit paying their mortgages and walked away from their homes , they 've discovered that giving up on the American dream has its benefits .

  22. 美国银行监管部门透露,由于有资格申请贷款修改(能降低月供)的借款人数量有所减少,美国丧失抵押房产赎回权(以下简称止赎)的数量在第三季度出现飙升。

    US mortgage foreclosures spiked in the third quarter , as fewer borrowers qualified for loan modifications that would have reduced their monthly payments , bank regulators have revealed .

  23. 海报上称,保利提供零首付、零月供、零利率优惠,允许购房者将最低30%的首付推迟到明年支付。

    Poly is offering zero down payments , zero monthly payments and zero interest rates , allowing homebuyers to defer making the minimum 30 % down payment to next year , according to the posters .

  24. 许许多多的父母会在孩子熟睡后仍难以入眠,他们正在为月供、医药费,孩子今后的大学费用而发愁。

    There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they 'll make the mortgage , or pay their doctor 's bills , or save enough for college .

  25. 职位的数量更少了,求职者在今年连续第三个月供大于求,从申请到上岗所需的平均时间也增加了26%。

    Job volumes are lower , candidate supply has exceeded demand for the third consecutive month this year and the time it takes for individuals to secure a new job has increased by an average of 26 per cent .

  26. 该计划在于降低5年的月供,使房主的月还贷额占收入比例降至38%以下,如果贷款机构同意降低月供,政府为之提供一定的“补助”。

    The goal is to reduce monthly payments for five years to no more than thirty-one percent of the borrower 's monthly income . If a lender agrees to a reduction , the government would partly match the amount .

  27. 刚刚够用,但我不忍心开口要更多,因为卡拉现在有三个孩子,费利克斯先生说道,他已经开始不付他们建房土地的月供了。

    It 's barely enough , but I can 't bear to ask for more because Carla now has three children , says Mr Felix , who has begun to miss monthly payments on the land their house is built upon .

  28. 受创的美国抵押贷款市场未来两年将进一步遭受挫折。随着960亿美元最初采用弹性付款方式的风险住房贷款转入更为严格的还款条件,借款人的月供额将增加60%左右。

    The stricken US mortgage market is set to suffer further setbacks in the next two years as $ 96bn of risky home loans sold with initial flexible payment options switch to more stringent terms that will hike borrowers ' monthly payments by around 60 per cent .

  29. 提出了荷兰鸢尾12~4月连续供花的生产技术流程。

    Technological process of cut flower production in winter is also put forward .

  30. 分别经加速和长期试验3个月,供试品的各项指标均未见明显变化。

    There was no obvious change with all indicators of the samples in the experiments monitored through the 3-month peried of accelerating and long-term tests .