
  • 网络Moon World;Type Moon;Epithelantha micromeris;Craters of the Moon;Porto Rosa
  1. 例如,今年4月世界银行(WorldBank)公布的对140个国家所做调查的结果显示,过去3年中,世界各地有超过7亿人脱离了“无银行账户者”之列。

    In April , for example , the World Bank released the results of a 140-country survey that found more than 700m people worldwide had left the ranks of the " unbanked " in the past three years .

  2. 华西里奥指出,今年5月世界卫生组织(WHO)、联合国粮农组织(FoodandAgricultureOrganization)以及世界动物卫生组织(WorldOrganizationforAnimalHealth)曾联合发表声明称,甲型H1N1流感病毒不会通过食用猪肉传染。

    Ms. Vassiliou cited a May joint declaration by the World Health Organization , Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Organization for Animal Health stating that H1N1 isn 't transmitted through the consumption of pork .

  3. 2006年11月世界上包括中国在内的几个国家或地区签订了ITER(Internationalthermonuclearexperimentalreactor)计划用于实现核聚变发电,计划建设一个实验用的核聚变装置。

    In November 2006 , some countries on the world , including China , signed the plan ITER ( International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor ) program to achieve nuclear fusion power . It plans to build a experimental nuclear fusion device .

  4. 陈冯富珍承认,关于非洲甲型H1N1流感病毒数量的信息具有误导性,因为只有自从今年5月世界卫生组织开始分发实验室诊断试剂之后发展中国家才得到了合适的测试手段。

    Information on the number of swine flu cases in Africa is misleading , Chan admits , as proper testing in the developing world has only been possible since May when the WHO began to distribute lab kits .

  5. 2004年4月世界卫生组织在日内瓦总部召开的全球道路交通伤预防策略会议上预测道路交通伤(RTI)将在2020年成为全球第三位死因。

    In April 2002 , the WTO predicted that road traffic injury ( RTI ) will rank the third of the death cause in the 2020 in the conference about the precaution strategy of the global road injure which was held in the headquarter in Geneva .

  6. 这个月世界银行发布了一份清单:它将国家分为富裕、中等、贫穷几个级别。

    This month the World Bank issued its annual list of countries by income category : rich , middle , poor .

  7. 其实,我想很少有人或机构不受到前几个月世界范围内动荡和不确定因素的影响。

    Indeed , I suspect that there are very few people or institutions unaffected by these last months of worldwide turmoil and uncertainty .

  8. 未来几个月世界面临着若干众所周知的潜在冲击,出现任何差池都会加大经济下滑的风险,这种下滑将是很危险的。

    If anything goes wrong – and there are known potential shocks in the coming months – the risk is rising of a dangerous economic slide .

  9. 目的2005年11月世界卫生组织的报告中建议将暴力预防规划纳入到性和生殖健康的持续行动中来。

    Objectives : In the report of WHO on November 2005 , WHO recommended integrating violence prevention programming into ongoing initiatives aimed at sexual and reproductive health .

  10. 去年9月世界各国领导人出席联合国首脑会议时通过了《2030年可持续发展议程》,其中包括17个人类社会发展目标。

    The UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , including 17 development goals for human society , was passed by world leaders attending a UN summit last September .

  11. 此外,2010年5月世界卫生大会第六十三届会议通过了一项关于预防和管理出生缺陷,包括镰状细胞病和地中海贫血的决议。

    In addition , a resolution on the prevention and management of birth defects , including sickle-cell disease and thalassaemias , was adopted by the63rd World Health Assembly in May2010 .

  12. 按照时间的顺序,将2003年至2006年3月世界范围内的相关双边自由贸易区发展进程进行梳理,以增强本研究联系目标领域当前发展的实践基础。

    2 , organizing the developing course of bilateral free trade area worldwide in time order from 2003 to March 2006 , which strengthening the practical basis of the analysis relating to the current development of target field .

  13. 上个月世界杯开赛之前,投行分析师曾猜测世界杯会造成澳门赌客人数减少。当时分析师们可能满脑子想的都是足球这个话题,而不是财务表格。

    Prior to the start of the tournament last month , analysts at investment banks perhaps with their minds turning towards the subject of football instead of their spreadsheets had speculated that the World Cup would sap numbers of gamblers in Macau .

  14. 去年7月首创世界纪录2017年,李子柒在YouTube发布第一支视频“用葡萄皮染的布做裙子”。

    Li uploaded her first video on YouTube , about how to make a dress using the cloth dyed with color extracted from grape skin , in 2017 .

  15. 然而,今年2月,世界银行(worldbank)估计,尽管经济出现衰退,但全球提前5年实现了这一目标。

    Yet the World Bank estimated in February that despite recession , the world hit that target five years early .

  16. 今年5月,世界遗存联盟(WorldConservationUnion)说已经受到威胁的已知物种高达1万6千119种。

    In May , the World Conservation Union said the number of known threatened species stood at16,119 .

  17. 一年前的这个月,世界贸易组织(wto)的谈判代表驶入了一个死胡同。

    A year ago this month , World Trade Organisation negotiators drove into a cul-de-sac .

  18. 从去年6月的世界杯小组赛B组英格兰和瑞典的比赛开场十字韧带断裂以来,欧文从来没有为不能踢球而愤怒过。

    Owen has not kicked a ball in anger since he ruptured his cruciate ligament in the opening minutes of England 's group B clash with Sweden in Cologne last June .

  19. 世界知识产权组织这份报告出台之际,中国正准备于本月在世界贸易组织(WTO)接受就其遵守知识产权保护条例情况进行的质询,包括网上出售假冒商品等事宜。

    The Wipo report comes as China prepares to face questioning in the World Trade Organisation this month on its compliance with intellectual property rules , including the internet sale of counterfeit goods .

  20. 3月,世界银行主持了一场名为“阿拉伯的声音与观点(en)”的活动,其主题是社会变动、就业与新闻媒体。

    In March , the World Bank hosted an event , Arab Voices and Views , which focused on social change , jobs and new media .

  21. IMF记录了自去年10月以来世界各国经济表现的不同趋势:美国和英国势头较强,而欧元区、中国和拉丁美洲更加疲弱。

    The fund has documented divergent trends in economic performance across the world since October , with strength in the US and UK and greater weakness in the eurozone , China and Latin America .

  22. 这位西班牙选手有可以在本赛季结束之前终止Federer从2004年2月以来世界第一的位置。当然

    The Spaniard could end the Swiss star 's stay at the top place Federer has been since February 2004 , before the end of this season .

  23. 1月,世界卫生组织执委会会议期间活动和启动WHO60图片展。

    A January event at WHO 's Executive Board and the launch of the WHO60 photo exhibition .

  24. 到本月,世界最大的电影流媒体服务供应商Netflix已扩展到了130多个国家。但由于未能获得中国政府的许可,Netflix至今未能打入中国市场。

    Netflix , the world 's largest film streaming service , which expanded into 130 more countries this month , has yet to enter China - having failed to obtain permission from the government to do so .

  25. 诺基亚传奇3310手机将在芬兰巨头诺基亚大举卷土重来之际重出江湖。据报道这款经典手机将在本月的世界移动通信大会上重新发布,届时诺基亚手机制造商HMD公司还将推出一系列诺基亚新款设备。

    Nokia is going to bring back the historic 3310 in the biggest tech comeback of all time . A homage to the Finnish giant 's classic feature phone will reportedly be released later this month when HMD unveils its new range of Nokia branded devices at Mobile World Congress .

  26. 将于2011年5月向世界卫生大会提交最后报告。

    The final report will be presented to the WHA in May2011 .

  27. 这个报告将会在下个月在世界卫生组织的公告牌上发表。

    Their report will to publish next month in butane of the World Health Organization .

  28. 本月,世界卫生组织开始使用在非洲首次研发出的疫苗。

    This month , the World Health Organization ed the first vaccine ever developed for Africa .

  29. 我花了九个月的世界,去拜访那些最多醋栗种植者的国家的农民们。

    I spent nine months visiting all the farmers in countries with the largest currant growers .

  30. 下个月,世界花样滑冰锦标赛将在东京体育馆举行。

    Next month , the World Figure Skating Championships will be held at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium .