
  • 网络Neolitsea aurata;Neolitsea sericea;Neolitsea;N. aurata
  1. 通过样方调查、样带调查及径向生长格局分析法,对缙云山白毛新木姜子种群特征、林隙干扰效应及更新策略进行了研究。

    Based on plot investigation , transect plot investigation and radial growth analysis , we studied the population characteristics , disturbance effect of gap of Neolitsea aurata var. glauca in Jinyun Mountain and its regeneration .

  2. 舟山新木姜子苗木分级及不同密度试验主要成份:乳木果、姜油、矿物泥、氨基酸、海泉精华。

    Seedling Grading and Experiment on Seedling Cultivation with Different Density of Neolitsea sericea Ingredient : Shea butter , ginger oil and mineral mud etc.

  3. 非林隙白毛新木姜子1~3cm径级没有分布。

    In no-gaps there were no individuals of DBH ranging from 1 to 3 cm .

  4. 盐胁迫下舟山新木姜子1年生苗形态变化及生理反应

    Morphological and physiological changes accompanying the induction of salt tolerance in Neolitsea sericea seedlings

  5. 基于舟山新木姜子的物种保护及资源利用,建议加强现有自然居群的就地保护,促进居群自然更新;

    Management strategies were proposed for species conservation and resource utilization for Neolitsea sericea .

  6. 7%的冠层白毛新木姜子在成长过程中一直受压,没有出现释压,但这部分白毛新木姜子最终还是进入了林冠层。

    7.7 % of canopy Neolitsea aurata var. glauca were suppressed all along , no release , but they still reached the canopy layer .

  7. 舟山新木姜子是我国东部沿海地区特有的珍稀乡土树种,为国家二级保护植物。

    Neolitsea sericea is one species of indigenous tree , only distributing in the east coastal areas of China , belonged to the secondary protected plants .

  8. 林隙干扰对缙云山白毛新木姜子种群密度、频度、径级分布、空间分布格局、径向生长都有不同程度影响。

    Gap disturbance had different effects on the density , frequency , distribution of size class , spatial distribution pattern , radial growth pattern of Neolitsea aurata var. glauca population .