
  • 网络neonatal convulsion;neonatal seizures
  1. 结论(1)PRL与新生儿惊厥关系密切。

    Conclusions PRL level is closely related to neonatal seizures .

  2. 新生儿惊厥122例分析

    Clinical analysis of 122 cases of neonatal seizures

  3. 结论:缺血缺氧性脑病是引起新生儿惊厥的原因之一,窒息越重,EEG阳性率越高。

    Conclusion : HIE is one of the main cause of neonatal convulsion . The more serious the asphyxia , the higher the positive rate of EEG .

  4. 目的对一个中国良性家族性新生儿惊厥(BenignFamilialNeonatalConvulsions,BFNC)家系进行基因诊断,并探讨其分子发病机理。

    Objective To diagnose a Chinese benign familial neonatal convulsions ( BFNC ) family at the level of gene and investigate its molecular pathogenesis .

  5. 背景和目的良性家族性新生儿惊厥(BenignFamilialNeonatalConvulsions,BFNC)是一种罕见的原发性癫痫综合征,呈常染色体显性遗传,患病率约为1/10万。

    Background and objective Benign familial neonatal convulsions ( BFNC ) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited epileptic syndrome , characterized by unprovoked convulsions .

  6. 目的探讨良性家族性新生儿惊厥(BFNC)的临床特征及遗传学特点。

    Objective To explore the clinical and genetic characteristics of benign familial neonatal convulsion ( BFNC ) .

  7. 新生儿惊厥96例急救分析

    The Analysis on Emergency Treatment for 96 Cases of Neonatal Convulsion

  8. 良性家族性新生儿惊厥三家系的基因诊断研究

    Genetic study on 3 Chinese families with benign familial neonatal seizures

  9. 新生儿惊厥发作形式与病因及预后的相关性

    Association of Etiology , Prognosis and Type of Neonatal Seizures

  10. 新生儿惊厥26例病因分析

    Etiological Survey of Convulsion in Newborn : A Report of 26 Cases

  11. 视频脑电图在新生儿惊厥中的应用价值

    Value of video electroencephalogram in the identification of neonatal epileptic and non-epileptic seizures

  12. 新生儿惊厥的产科因素及预防(附77例报告)

    Obstetric factors and prevention of neonatal convulsions ( report of 77 cases )

  13. 95例新生儿惊厥病因研究

    Retrospection of Pathogeny in 95 Cases with Neonatal Convulsion

  14. 目的探讨新生儿惊厥病因。

    Objective To study the causes of newborn convulsion .

  15. 新生儿惊厥回顾性分析(附68例临床分析)

    The retrospective study of neonatal convulsion ( Attach 68 cases of dinical analysis )

  16. 细胞因子与长时程增强新生儿惊厥及预后

    Long - term prognosis of convulsion in newborn

  17. 新生儿惊厥98例临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 98 Cases of Neonatal Convulsions

  18. 新生儿惊厥的诊断和治疗新进展

    Advancement in diagnosis and treatment of neonatal seizures

  19. 目的:探索新生儿惊厥的病因,临床特点和治疗方法。

    Objective : To study the causes of neonatal convulsion clinical characters and therapy .

  20. 在新生儿惊厥观察中对家长实施健康教育的探讨

    Probe into Carrying out Health Education for Parents in the Observation of Neonatal Seizures

  21. 血清催乳素与新生儿惊厥关系的研究

    Relationship between serum prolactin level and neonatal seizures

  22. 新生儿惊厥386例的诊断思维程序及其诊断效果分析

    Analysis of the diagnostic course and diagnosis result of 386 cases of neonatal convulsion

  23. 新生儿惊厥病因及治疗探讨(附155例临床报告)

    Etiologic and treatment on neonatal seizures ( Attaching the clinical analysis of 155 cases )

  24. 出生3天内新生儿惊厥65例分析

    Convulsions in neonate within 3 days

  25. 目的:观察10岁以下伴新生儿惊厥的儿童远期预后并探索预后的标志物。

    Objective : To examine outcome and explore for prognostic markers in a cohort < 10 years following neonatal seizures .

  26. 方法对1年来收治的95例新生儿惊厥,从病因、发病日龄、惊厥发作类型、相关的实验室和影像学检查以及转归进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Retrospective study of pathogeny , age , type of seizure , interrelated lab and iconography examination and prognosis of 95 cases with neonatal convulsion in our pediatric department last year was conducted .

  27. 惊厥可使脑损伤加重,甚至留下神经系统后遗症。因此,新生儿期的惊厥应及时的诊断和处理。

    Seizures will aggravate the brain damage and even leave behind long-term neurological sequelae , so it should be diagnosed and treated in time .

  28. 主要对象是严重的缺氧、感染、出血性疾病、新生儿硬肿症、惊厥、高胆红素血症和ABO溶血症及其他疾病的低出生体重儿。其中部分患儿有宫内和/或产时窒息史、异常分娩史。

    1988 These newborns were admitted for the severe infection , anoxic encephalo - pathy , hemorrhage , convulsion , scleredema , hyperbilirubinemia , hemoly - sis of ABO and single light weight at birth .

  29. 结论对重度窒息新生儿复苏后早期联合应用纳络酮、苯巴比妥、复方丹参注射液能有效预防新生儿惊厥及重度缺氧缺血性脑病的发生,降低病死率,改善预后。

    Conclusion The early combination of naloxone , phenobarbital and Fufang Danshen injection in newborns revived from severe asphyxia can effectively prevent newborn convulsion and development of severe HIE , reduce fatality rate and improve prognosis .

  30. 脑电图能客观、直接地评估新生儿脑成熟度、反映脑功能状态,尤其对新生儿缺血缺氧性脑病及新生儿惊厥的诊断与预后的判断具有一定的价值。

    Electroencephalogram ( EEG ) can objectively and directly assess brain maturity of the newborn and reflect functional state of brain . Especially EEG is of certain value for judgement of diagnosis and prognosis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy ( NHIE ) and neonatal convulsion .