
  • 网络Leo;Beaulieu;Florio;Baliol
  1. 夫妻俩共同养育了四个孩子,其间朱利欧加入了PAMS组织,对极需医疗援助的秘鲁伸出援手。

    As their family grew with four children , Julio joined PAMS , giving help to a country who needed the medical help badly .

  2. 但我对妈妈做了你对埃米利欧做的事情。

    But I did to mommy what you did to emilio .

  3. 班佛利欧将他扶起,并扶他进入附近最近的房子里。

    Benvolio lifted him up and took him inside the nearest house .

  4. 朱利欧问:纽约的用词是什么?

    Giulio asked , What 's the word in New York City ?

  5. “今晚等着看吧,”班佛利欧咧嘴笑着说。

    We shall see tonight , @ benvolio said with a grin .

  6. 奇异斯托模利欧维尔边值问题的特征函数展开

    Eigenfunction expansions associated with singular Sturm-Liouville Boundary Value Problems

  7. 你愿意告诉妈妈埃米利欧的事情吗?

    Wanna tell mommy about what happened to emilio ?

  8. “什么事让你这么悲伤呢,表弟?”班佛利欧问道。

    And what makes you so sad , cousin ? @ asked benvolio .

  9. 我不要他们,艾莉亚说,我只要西利欧。

    I don 't want them , Arya said . I want Syrio .

  10. 马库修和班佛利欧正在找他。

    Mercutio and benvolio were looking for him .

  11. 班佛利欧看着罗密欧笑了起来。

    Then benvolio looked at Romeo and laughed .

  12. “罗密欧,你知道你做了什么吗?”班佛利欧叫道。

    Romeo , do you realize what you have done ? @ shouted benvolio .

  13. 他是伯纳利欧县的财务主管

    He 's the treasurer of Bernalillo County .

  14. 这天早晨稍晚时,马库修和班佛利欧正在城中广场里的老地方谈论罗密欧。

    Mercutio and Benvolio were talking about Romeo at their usual spot in the town square .

  15. 西利欧说每次受伤都是一次教训,而每次教训都让我们更强。

    Syrio says that every hurt is a lesson , and every lesson makes you better .

  16. 在与伯纳利欧县地检办公室

    working closely with the Bernalillo County

  17. 在家餐厅里挂着两张按数字涂颜色的画,那是姐姐格罗丽亚和哥哥利欧小时候的作品。

    In the dining room are two paint-by-number pictures that my sister Gloria and brother Leo did as kids .

  18. 几年前,利欧说这两张画不怎么样,要取下来。

    Several years ago , Leo commented that the pictures weren 't very good and offered to take them down .

  19. “如果他想一个人藏身在黑暗中,那我们就随他去吧,”班佛利欧笑道。

    If he wants to hide in the dark by himself , then we 'll leave him , @ laughed benvolio .

  20. 提伯特说他看到班佛利欧拔剑对着卡布利特家的几名仆人,于是很快地加入这场对峙,以保护自己家族的人。

    Tybalt said he saw Benvolio draw his sword against some Capulet servants and quickly joined in to protect his own people .

  21. 1977年,利欧在加州大学欧文分校获得物理学博士学位,妈妈给他写了一封充满温情的长信。

    In1977 , when Leo received his Ph.D.in physics from the University of California at Irvine , my mother wrote him a long , warm letter .

  22. 但有趣的是,朱利欧把这面涂鸦墙壁看作是玛莉亚的压抑迹象,因为她用意大利语写下对他的咒骂,而意大利语是她的第二语言,一种在她选用词汇之前必须思索片刻的语言。

    Interestingly , though , Giulio sees the scrawled-upon wall as a sure sign of Maria 's repression , because she wrote her curses against him in Italian , and Italian is her second language , a language she has to think about for a moment before she can choose her words .

  23. 我指这女人给朱利欧看,说:“瞧,朱利欧——这是罗马女人。罗马不可能同时是她的城市又是我的城市。我们只有其中一人属于这里。我想我们俩都知道是谁。”

    I pointed that woman out to Giulio , and I said , " See , Giulio - that is a Roman woman . Rome cannot be her city and my city , too . Only one of us really belongs here . And I think we both know which one . "