
  • 网络Beaujolais;Beaujolais Nouveau;Beaujolais Crus
  1. 博若莱葡萄酒是公认的佳酿。

    Beaujolais is meant to be a really good wine .

  2. 他订了十箱博若莱葡萄和二十箱麝香葡萄酒。

    He ordered ten cases of beaujolais and twenty cases of muscat .

  3. 位于闻名遐迩的罗讷河谷和博若莱地区的葡萄园世界驰名。

    The vineyards of the prestigious Cotes du Rhone and Beaujolais are world famous .

  4. 博若莱酒:原产于法国中东部丘陵地区的一种淡红葡萄酒。

    A light red table wine originally produced in the hilly region of east-central France .

  5. 在大西洋的红光中,葡萄园连绵起伏,一直延伸到博若莱地区称之为“大河”的吉伦特河河口。

    In the shimmering light of the Atlantic shy , the vines run in waves towards the banks of the estuary or " river " as they call it locally .