
  1. 尝试建立新型有区别性的农户贷款抵押制度。

    Attempting to establish a distinctive new loan guarantee system for farmers .

  2. 农户贷款担保机制功能及其绩效的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Function and Performance of the Farmers Loan Guarantee Mechanism

  3. 农村信用社农户贷款的实证分析与农户金融需求的满足&对安徽省农村信用社农户贷款的调查及其思考

    Positive Analysis on Farmer Loan of Rural Credit Cooperative and Satisfaction of Financial Demands of Farmer

  4. 北京市农户贷款调查

    Beijing farmers ' Loaning Survey

  5. 论文采用联立离散选择模型,较好地描述了农户贷款需求和银行贷款供给的相互作用。

    We use simultaneous discrete choice model which describes the interaction between farmer demand and bank supply .

  6. 最后是要建立完善的农户贷款征信制度,维护农村金融体系的稳定。

    Finally , we must establish a sound credit system of loans to farmers to maintain stability of the rural financial system .

  7. 众多的研究表明农户贷款难已经成为世界上大多数发展中国家普遍存在的难题。

    Numerous studies show that the problem of loans for farmers has become the most common one in most of the developing countries .

  8. 然而,如何通过推行小额农贷解决农户贷款是银行业务中比较难的一个问题。

    However , how to solve the farmers through the implementation of micro-agricultural credit business bank loan is more difficult to be a problem .

  9. 然而,小额信贷的出现则为解决农村资金约束、农户贷款难提供了一种全新的思路。

    However , the emergence of microfinance compared to rural financial constraints , farmers " getting loans ," provides a new way of thinking .

  10. 一方面建立贷款保险制度,降低正规金融机构对农户贷款的风险。

    On one hand , we must establish a loan insurance system to reduce the risk of the financial institutions of lending to farmers .

  11. 农户贷款合同是指以农户为借款人、以银行等金融机构为贷款人的借贷合同,包括农户小额信贷合同及农户联保合同。

    Farmers loan contract is a contract in which set farmers as borrowers and banks as lenders , including Microfinance Contract and United reinsurance Contract .

  12. 通过对农村金融情况的调查发现,当前农户贷款来源中民间借贷逐步占据了主要地位,正规金融机构提供的金融服务比重下降。

    The investigation on rural finance tells that civil debt and credit , instead of the financial service from state organizations , has played a chief role .

  13. 激励的强度、贷款的结构、农户贷款方式的选择和主任的更换频率这些治理变量对信用社的不良贷款都会产生影响。

    Governance variables such as incentive , loan structure , types of household loans and the frequency of replacement of RCC directors have impact on RCC non-performing loans .

  14. 农村内生金融组织在农户贷款的来源、金融机构贷款的成本和风险等方面相对于外生金融机构具有比较优势。

    Rural endogenous finance organizations have comparative advantages to external financial institutions in such aspects as source of peasant households'loans , cost and risk of the financial institutions'loans .

  15. 作为农村的弱势信贷需求主体,农户贷款难一直制约着农户脱贫致富和农村经济的繁荣发展。

    As the weak rural loan requirements in rural areas of China , farmers ' loan has been conditioned to the rich of farmers and boom of rural economic .

  16. 小农户贷款将获得贴息补助,更多民众将无需交纳所得税,一系列商品关税亦将下调。

    Loans to smallholder farmers will be waived , more people will fall out of the income tax bracket and there will be lower duties on a range of goods .

  17. 文章调研的结论是:从根本上解决农户贷款难问题,必须建立新型的农村金融机构,从而促进农业农村经济的可持续发展。

    Research paper concluded that : a fundamental solution to the problem in getting loans farmers must establish a new rural financial institutions , thereby contributing to the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy .

  18. 现阶段农村金融改革与发展相对滞后,农村金融体系不够完善,农业企业以及农户贷款难问题仍然存在。

    At the present stage , the rural financial reform and development is lagging behind , the rural financial system is not perfect , the problem of agricultural enterprises and farmers in getting loans still exists .

  19. 近年来,尽管小额信贷在我国农村地区得到飞速发展,支农作用不断增强,但弱势农户贷款难,尤其是我国西部地区农户贷款难的问题依然严峻。

    In recent years , although microfinance in rural China has been developing rapidly with the increasing support for agriculture , it is hard for disadvantaged farmers to borrow money , especially in the west regions of China .

  20. 银监会为缓解农村金融体系中贫困居民无法获得金融服务以及农户贷款难的情况,提出了设立小额金融机构的解决办法。

    In order to alleviate the situation that poverty residents do not have access to financial services in rural financial system and farmers can hardly obtain credits , China Banking Regulatory Commission proposed to establish the microfinance institutions .

  21. 然而农村金融的发展却存在很大的问题,农户贷款难、农村企业尤其是农村中小企业贷款难的问题仍然十分突出。

    However , rural finance development exists serious problems , such as the difficulty of providing a loan to farmers , or rural to corporations in towns and villages , especially to small and medium enterprises in country .

  22. 新农村建设、农业产业化带来的农户贷款需求扩大以及团体贷款技术的制度缺陷引发的共谋、逆向选择等问题,均对小额信贷绩效的实现提出了新要求。

    New rural construction , agricultural industrialization brought farmers to expand the demand for loans as well as complicity adverse selection caused by deficiencies in the system of group lending technology , the performance of microfinance achieve the new requirements .

  23. 此外,放宽市场准入,增加农村金融市场的竞争性,并拓宽抵押范围,有助于缩小农户贷款需求缺口,提高农村金融服务水平。

    Moreover , relaxing of market access , increasing the competition of the rural financial market , and broadening the scope of collateral can help narrow the gap of farmers ' loan demand and improve the level of rural financial services .

  24. 基于农户贷款难、市场竞争不充分、农业生产技术落后导致的贷款额度小等背景下的小额信贷理论和技术已不能完全适应中国部分地区农户贷款的需要。

    Based on farmers ' loans , the market competition is inadequate agricultural production techniques behind the line of credit due to small the microfinance context theory and technology can not fully meet the needs of China in some areas farmers loans .

  25. 随着信贷支农力度的加大,农户贷款难的情况有所缓解,但问题依然严重,一半以上的农户信贷需求由于无法从正规金融机构得到满足,转向其他非正规渠道。

    Along with increasing credit support for agriculture , the difficulty of farmers in getting loans has declined . However , the problem is still serious . More than half of the farmers ' demand for credit can not be met from formal financial institutions .

  26. 尽管政府大力推动小额信贷的发展,农村信用社等信贷机构也积极发展小额信贷业务,但我国农村信贷领域依然存在农户贷款难、农村信用社难贷款的两难问题。

    Although the Government is actively promoting the development of microfinance , rural credit cooperatives and other credit institutions are actively developing micro-credit business , but our farmers still exist areas of rural credit " loans difficult ", the rural credit cooperatives " hard loans " dilemma .

  27. 农户联保贷款在我国特定背景下的有效性分析

    Effectiveness Analysis of Joint Liability Loans in the Specific Context of Our Country

  28. 第五章主要是研究了农户小额贷款风险控制问题。

    Chapter five mainly focuses on the risk control of the rural microfinance .

  29. 农村信用社对农户小额贷款的作用分析

    Analysis on the Function of Countryside Credit Cooperative to Farmer 's Small Quantum Load

  30. 第三章是基于最优核函数的农户小额贷款信用等级评价研究。

    The third chapter discusses the credit evaluation model based on the best kernel function .