
  1. 但是谢永强同时也给农村户口的学生提出了一些建议。

    But Xie also made suggestions for students with a rural registration .

  2. 他目前的生活对有农村户口的人来说已很不错。

    His living is a good one for someone with a rural hukou .

  3. 有时,一些学生为了更好的前程而放弃了农村户口。

    Sometimes , students abandon their rural hukou for the prospect of a better future .

  4. 农民工是指具有农村户口却在城镇务工的劳动者。

    Migrant workers are referred to as workers coming from villages to earn better money in cities .

  5. 患者的医疗费用支付方式比较多样,以新农合为主。就医患者以农村户口入住为主。

    The patient expenses pays a way more diverse , regard the rural cooperative medical treatment is principle .

  6. 此外,攻读大学学位或者拥有广东农村户口的人也可获得更多积分。

    Similarly , those who are studying towards a college degree or are residents of rural Guangdong can also receive more points .

  7. 虽然农村户口享有诸多优惠政策,但对唐延伟而言,北京户口更有吸引力。

    Although there are a lot of preferential policies for rural residents , for Tang , an urban hukou in Beijing is attractive .

  8. 笔者通过对学界几种关于农民工定义的分析,对农民工一词内涵的解析,把农民工界定为:具有农村户口身份,长期或一定时期内在城镇务工的劳动者。

    The author defined migrant workers as : they have the status of rural registered residence , to work in cities for long or certain period .

  9. 尽管中国政府界定人口已经达到接近50%城镇化,农村户口的持有者数量仅有约35%。

    Although Chinese officials define the population as being already nearly 50 % urban , the number of urban hukou holders is only around 35 % .

  10. 23岁的他来自山东烟台,本是农村户口的他在进入北京工程建筑学院学习后,选择了迁户口。

    The 23-year-old from Yantai , Shandong province , had a rural hukou but transferred it after enrolling at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture .

  11. 建立于1958年的中国的户口制度限制了人口的流动,将国民分为两类:城市户口和农村户口。

    China 's household registration system , set up in1958 to control its citizens'movements , divided its countrymen into two groups : urban and rural residents .

  12. 拥有城市户口的人可以自由地在城市生活和工作,有农村户口的人只能以外来务工人员的身份前往某个城市。

    People with a city Hukou can live and work there freely . Those with a rural Hukou can come to a city only as guest workers .

  13. 去年下半年国家统计局询问东北省份吉林的农村户口持有人是否愿意转换成城镇户口。

    Late last year the National Bureau of Statistics asked rural hukou holders in the north-eastern province of Jilin whether they wanted to switch to urban status .

  14. 对于那些农村户口的孩子他们在城市里的学校生活仅仅是一个短暂的梦想因为他们没有城市户口。

    For those with rural residency , their school days in the cities are nothing but a short-lived dream as they don 't have a city huhou household registration .

  15. 农村户口让农民有权耕种他们的土地,这通常可以为农民带来一个基本有保障的生活,但享有的医疗保障则远不及城市户口。

    A rural hukou gives farmers rights to the land they farm usually enough for a dependable , though subsistence living and much more modest medical care than is available in cities .

  16. 在这些方案中,基本都用更常见的术语如居民户口、家庭户口或者集体户口取代所谓的城市和农村户口。

    The plans have in general phased out the so-called urban and rural hukou and replaced them with more general terms such as residential hukou , family hukou , or collective hukou .

  17. 农民工是我国制度变迁与社会转型期间所出现的特殊群体,特指具有农村户口,却在城镇务工的劳动者。

    The peasant laborer is our country system vicissitude and social reforming period appears the special groups , referring in particular to has the rural household registration , actually in cities work worker .

  18. 但是,对职业外工资的决定,除了有人力资本机制,还有户籍制度机制,要体现为农村户口对职业外工资有着反向作用。

    But for the outer-occupational wage determination , besides the mechanism of human capital , the mechanism of household registration system is significant , which rural household plays the negative role for the outer-occupational wage .

  19. 他们宣称,这些城市周边乡下的农村户口持有人能够移居到城镇地区,并享受和他们的城镇居民同等的福利,而不用放弃他们的土地所有权。

    They have declared that holders of rural Hukou in the countryside surrounding these cities can move into urban areas and enjoy the same welfare benefits as their urban counterparts without giving up their land entitlements .

  20. 农民负担是具有农村户口的公民无偿向国家、集体和社会提供的剩余价值的总和,包括费用、劳务和产品三种形式,是农民生产成果社会再分配的重要组成部分。

    The peasants ' load , as an important form of redistribution of the peasants ' output among the whole society , is the sum total of surplus value rendered gratis by citizens of rural residence .

  21. 有农村户口的孩子想过上比父母好的生活,他们其中很多人没有下过地,但是受制度限制,他们没有公平的机会往上爬。

    Children with a rural hukou want to lead a better life than their parents did . Many have never worked on the farm , but the system denies them a fair chance to move up the ladder .

  22. 在中国的户籍登记制度(户口)里,父母是农村户口的,孩子也被看成农村户口,即便父母早已迁往城里,孩子出生在城市。

    In China 's system of household registration ( known as hukou ), children born to rurally registered parents count as rural , even if their parents have migrated to the city , and regardless of where they themselves were born .

  23. 本研究新生代农民工这个专有概念指的是1980年(含)以后出生的,有农村户口的,但却在城市工作的,高中(含)毕业程度以下的人群。

    This concept of the new generation of migrant workers in this study refers to1980 ( inclusive ) after birth , they born in rural , but work in the city , most of them graduated from high school ( inclusive ) following .

  24. 但随着社会的发展,即使在有些省份农村户口已被取消,拥有农民工身份的人却依旧存在,他们的身份通常与一些固定的职业相连,比如建筑工人群体、劳务群体和服务行业等。

    With the development of society , however , even though country hukou has been cancelled , some people are still being identified as rural migrant workers . They are reported as construction worker , labors or people doing service in the city .

  25. 调查发现,对于许多农民工来说,更好的医疗条件以及能够将孩子带在身边的便利无法超越农村户口带给他们的好处。农村户口能够分到一块耕地,虽然面积通常很小。

    For many , the benefits of better health care and being able to bring their children with them don 't outweigh the perks of rural residency , which include a guaranteed ( though generally very small ) allocation of agricultural land , the survey found .

  26. 随着中国现代化建设的推进,数以亿计的农民离开自己的家乡和土地来到城市务工就业,形成了中国社会一个特殊的群体:农民工,具有农村户口身份却在城镇务工的劳动者。

    With the promotion of modernization of China , hundreds of millions of farmers leave their homes and lands and come to city to get a job . They form a special group of Chinese society : migrant workers , migrant workers in cities and towns but with rural status .

  27. 12月初,在中国中央经济工作会议上,与会代表建议给予农村居民城市户口,这也强有力地证明了户籍制度正在变化。

    The proposal of China ` s Central Economic Conference in early December to give rural residents permanent urban residency sent a strong signal .

  28. 在这一强力举措下,最根深蒂固的将中国人分为城市居民和农村居民的户口制度将逐渐消亡。

    In one fell swoop , the most intransigent and structural divide that separates all Chinese between city and rural residents , the Hukou system , is at last being breached .

  29. 在以往适用的在交通事故死亡赔偿中区分农村和城镇户口以确定赔偿金额的做法已越来越不能适应社会的发展和进步。

    In the past , applicable in the traffic accident death compensation between rural and urban residence to determine the amount of compensation practices has become increasingly unable to meet the social development and progress .

  30. 我们仍在期待政府在更长时期内推出农村土地、户口制度以及国有企业等结构性改革的潜在促增长措施,尽管这绝非板上钉钉的事情。

    While by no means guaranteed , we are also waiting for potential growth-boosting measures over the longer term from structural reform of rural land , the ' hukou ' system and the state owned enterprise sector .