
  1. 向农民和村领导传授正确的消毒技术。

    Farmers and village leaders were instructed in proper disinfection techniques .

  2. 第五章社会各界对农民离村问题的疏导与治理。

    Chapter five : The tackling measure by all circles of society .

  3. 农民离村的社会经济效应&以20世纪二三十年代为背景

    Social and Economic Effects of Peasants " Leaving Home " from 1920s to 1930s

  4. 民国时期中国农民离村原因之主成分分析

    The reasons why did Chinese peasants leave villages in the Republican period by principal component analysis

  5. 试析农民离村对近代乡村发展的影响&以20世纪20~30年代的江苏为例

    The Influence of Peasantry 's Leaving Their Villages on the Country & A Case of Jiangsu Province in the 1920 ~ 1930s

  6. 被征地农民和村集体经济组织的补偿期望值较高,且村集体经济组织的补偿期望随补偿价格上升的趋势最为迅猛。

    Landless farmers and village collective economic organizations have higher compensation expectations . The village collective economic organizations ' expectation rises the most rapidly .

  7. 均山是农民、村干部、地方政府为了自身利益而做出的理性选择。

    Distributing mountain to every family is the result of rational choice by farmers , village leaders , local government for its own sake .

  8. 在农民的村籍现念中,村落和宗族是合二为一的,其逻辑是封闭的族群关系网络背后隐含着村民对本村土地权的资源独占观念。

    The logic of village membership is a concept that villagers should monopolize the resources of land rights in the village sealing the family group relational network .

  9. 华北地区是我国农业生产的主要区域之一,农民离村现象在当时全国范围内具有典型意义。

    North China area is the main area of the agricultural production in China , one of the phenomenon of peasants leaved villages in nationwide was typical significance .

  10. 结果表明农民在村卫生室和乡卫生院就诊较高,分别为38.1%和34.6%;

    The results show that farmers prefer to visit doctors in village medical rooms or township health centers . The visiting rates are 38.1 % and 34.6 % respectively .

  11. 摘要农民离村问题是一直困扰近代中国的一大社会问题,并引起了社会各方面的重视。

    The problem of peasants leaved villages was a greatly social problem that had been perplexing modern age in china , and caused the value of social everyone 's noodles .

  12. 农民离村问题,是1911&1937年冀鲁豫农村突出的社会问题。

    During 1911 to 1937 , an outstanding phenomenon in Hebei Shandong and Henan was that , a large number of peasants left their own village to seek a new means of livelihood .

  13. 国家与农民对于村干部选举和村庄的公共事务有着不同的目标和考虑,在此背后实际上是国家政治和村庄政治的区分。

    Behind the different expectations and considerations on the part of the state and farmers with regard to the election of village leaders and village public affairs lie differences between state politics and village politics .

  14. 19世纪俄国农民生活在村社制度下。

    Peasants in the 19 th century Russia lived on mirs ( rural communes ) .

  15. 天津市郊区县农民就学一村一名大学生计划的动因研究

    Research into the Cause of Plan " One Village One College Student " in Suburbs of Tianjin

  16. 农民大量离村,动摇了国民经济基础,加剧了时局动荡,引起全社会关注。

    Farmers from the village of the national economy , shake the foundation , exacerbated the turmoil , cause the social concern .

  17. 11月,五个一贫如洗的农民从ChhoeuSlab村出发踏上了寻找紫檀树的征程,最终返回的只有四个。

    OF THE five dirt-poor farmers who set out from Chhoeu Slab village in November in search of rosewood , only four returned .

  18. 从宏观上看,城镇化是转移农村剩余劳动力、提高农民收入水平、改造村落社会结构的必由之路,而把农民整村迁居进城被看作是扩展城市和实现农民市民化的起点和主要方式。

    From a macro point of view , urbanization is the only way to transfer the rural surplus labor force , improving the income level of farmers , and the transformation of the village social structure .