
  1. 清代侠义公案小说的划分有宽、窄两个不同的标准。

    Detective novels of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous of a wide , narrow two different standards .

  2. 代表侠义公案小说最高成就的就是《三侠五义》。

    The representation of their highest achievement was the novel " San Xia Wu Yi " .

  3. 同样,清代侠义公案小说亦深受道家思想和佛家思想的影响。

    Similarly , the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective novels are deeply Taoism and Buddhism thinking of the impact .

  4. 第八章论述儒、释、道等传统思想对清代侠义公案小说的影响。

    Chapter VIII on Confucianism , Buddhism and Taoism and other traditional thinking of the Qing Dynasty chivalrous Detective Fiction impact .

  5. 本文以侠义公案小说为依托,从研究悬念与偶然巧合写作技法的角度出发,对其在描写情节、刻画人物、突出主题等方面的艺术功能进行了深入的探讨和阐述。

    This thesis discusses in detail the art function of the chivalrous case novels in Ming-Qing literature works , which describes scene , characters and subject ;

  6. 狭邪小说作为近代小说史上与侠义公案小说、谴责小说鼎足而三的一个小说类型,其研究仍然处于相对薄弱状态;

    Together with chivalrous novel and denouncement novel , as one of the main three categories of novel in modern history , the courtesan novel has not received serious and detailed studies .

  7. 中国古代的侠义公案小说在清末随着西方小说的译入而渐趋式微,随后双水分流,一部分摒弃侠义成为侦探,一部分摒弃公案成为武侠。

    With the introduction of West novels through translation , the case-solving novels with a chivalrous spirit of ancient China gradually lost their influence and then fell into two different groups , one being the detective stories and the other the knight-errant novels .

  8. 本文所选的侠义公案小说语言非常接近当时的口语,且对生活的涵盖面较广阔,涉及三教九流、各行各业,故其词汇不会局限于某个领域,不会有很强的社会方言性。

    This paper selected chivalrous detective fiction language is very close to the oral , and the lives of the broader coverage , Catch involving business , it will not be confined to its vocabulary in a particular area , there will not be a strong social dialects sex .

  9. 同时指出,侠义小说和公案小说的合流,最初是在民间通过口头流传自发进行的,这种尝试至迟从清初就开始了。

    At the same time that the chivalrous novels and the confluence of Detective Fiction , was first adopted in the civil circulation and spontaneous verbal conduct , such an attempt at the latest from the early Qing Dynasty started .