
  1. 清代宋诗派及宋诗学的生成与发展

    Song Poem School and Song Poetics ' Formation of Qing Dynasty

  2. 近代宋诗派研究

    Study on Song-shi School in Modern Times

  3. 近代宋诗派宋诗接受的范型文本与美学视角

    Acceptable Text Norm and Aesthetic Perspective of Modern Song Poetry of " Song Poetry Faction "

  4. 考察、评述清代宋诗派、宋诗学的实际状况和高下优劣,应该可以推动清代文学的整体研究。

    Consequently , Research of the Song poetics of Qing Dynasty has some meaning for the whole literature of the Qing Dynasty .

  5. 湖湘诗派是兴起于近代初期而与宋诗派相抗衡的一大诗歌流派。

    The poetry of the Huxiang School is a poetic school that rose in the early modern times contending with the Song Poetry .

  6. 而陈衍对“宋诗派”的推崇,则与他所持“学人之诗”的论诗主张有关。

    Zhen Yan 's advocacy of " school of Song poetry " is related to his argument of " learn poetry from others ' poems " .

  7. 近代宋诗派的诗学理想和创作成就就及其缺陷,鲜活地说明古典诗歌在艺术体式与意理神韵两方面都必须摆脱自身的桎梏而获取新生。

    The poetry ideal and achievement of this school indicated that in order to gain a new life , classical poetry must alter its form and mood .

  8. 事实上在道咸年间的诗坛存在着一种普遍的宗宋风气,这种宗宋诗风是由“宋诗派”、桐城诗派和经世派共同形成的。

    In fact , in the poetic circle in the years of Daoxian , there 's a general fashion of Song-advocacy which consisted of Song poetry school , Tongcheng poetry school and life-experience school .

  9. 本文将力图运用文史哲综合研究的思路,文献考索与理论批评相结合的方法,在较为宽广的视域中对近代宋诗派作为一历史扫描。

    To widely examine the history of the Song-shi School in modern times , the thesis will adopt comprehensive study of literature , history and philosophy , and the way of combination of investigation of document and theoretical criticism .

  10. 在近代诗歌史上,宋诗派是影响最大,持续时间最长的坚持传统的艺术流派,标志着整个清代学宋诗潮发展至高峰,古典诗歌在自身内部对新雅的艺术追求至此已趋极致。

    In the poetry history of modern times , Song-shi School , a traditional school of literature , is of the greatest and the longest influence . It is the mark of the top development of the classical poetry current in Qing dynasty .