
  • 网络Dryden;John Dryden
  1. 采珍珠的人必须潜入深海。&德莱顿

    He , who would search for pearls , must dive deep . & John Dryden

  2. 这一时期的代表性作家由约翰“德莱顿、亚历山大”蒲柏、乔纳森“斯威夫特和萨缪尔”约翰逊。

    Representative writers of this period are John dryden , Alexander pope , Jonathan Swift And Samuel johnson .

  3. 最后总结了NASA德莱顿研究中心近年在气动弹性试飞方面的工作,供研究人员参考。

    And the recent studies on aeroelastic flight tests of NASA Dryden Flight Test Center are introduced .

  4. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。(英国诗人德莱顿.)

    Plain living and high thinking . ( william Wordsworth , British poet )

  5. 德莱顿连个洗衣单都不会写。

    Dryden couldn 't write a laundry list .

  6. 在英国文学的全盛时期,有德莱顿、斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪。

    The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers dryden , swift and pope .

  7. 英国十七世纪诗人德莱顿在诗中写道,“杀燕子不吉利。”

    Dryden says in his poem , " Swallows are unlucky birds to kill . "

  8. 德莱顿和蒲伯是英语诗歌中人为风格的巨匠。

    Dryden and Pope are the great masters of the artificial style of poetry in English language .

  9. 德莱顿的文风随性多变,蒲柏则谨慎工整。

    The style of Dryden is capricious and varied , that of Pope is cautious and uniform ;

  10. 对自由的热爱与生俱来,甚至生命也只是上天次要的恩赐。&德莱顿

    The love of liberty with life is given , and life itself the inferior gift of Heaven . & Dryden

  11. 复数用法可以在规范的原始资料如詹姆士圣经、德莱顿以及伯克的作品中发现。

    The plural use can be found in reputable sources such as the King James Bible , Dryden , and Burke ;

  12. 比如说,人们从中了解到,约翰?德莱顿用拉丁语来指导他批评那些拿介词来结束句子的用法。

    One learns , for example , that John Dryden used Latin as a guide when he condemned ending sentences with prepositions .

  13. 柯勒律治之前的英国莎评家如琼生、德莱顿、蒲伯、约翰逊等人遵循新古典主义的诗学原则来评判莎剧。

    British Shakespearean critics before Coleridge , such as Jonson , Dryden , Pope , and Johnson , followed the neoclassical doctrine .

  14. 德莱顿还表示,不想与他人握手的人只要选择不贴贴纸就好。

    DeLeon added that those who did not want to shake hands with others could simply choose not to wear a sticker .

  15. 德莱顿承认他自己和他的同辈在机智上不如邓恩,但在诗歌上他们坚持超越了他。

    Dryden confesses of himself and his contemporaries that they fall below Donne in wit , but maintains that they surpass him in poetry .

  16. 其二、李渔与德莱顿论述戏剧语言都集中在其通俗性、生动性、创新性、精炼性、音乐性、语体特征等方面。

    Secondly , their views on dramatic language concentrate on its popularity , vividness , innovation , succinctness , musicality and variety of stylistic genres .

  17. 其四、李渔与德莱顿都将戏剧的娱乐性置于首位,教诲第二,而理想则是寓教于乐。

    Fourthly , both Li Yu and Dryden regard entertainment as the first priority function in drama , instruction second , and ideally the unity of both .

  18. 李渔要求戏剧题材新颖、推陈出新,德莱顿更注重艺术想像和技能。

    Li Yu requires novelty for subject matter and innovation from the old source ; however , Dryden is more concerned with imagination and craft for dramatic effectiveness .

  19. 在求飞机的大气紊流响应时,如果不考虑大气紊流交叉谱效应,可把问题归结为一维问题,通过对双侧德莱顿谱形式加以变换,使其符合一定的求解形式来求其精确解;

    If the cross-spectrum effect of atmospheric turbulence is omitted , the problem can be regarded as one-dimensional problem and the exact solution can be obtained by transforming two-sided Dryden model into certain solvable mathematical equation .

  20. 本文从频率响应法出发,导出了在已知大气紊流的双侧德莱顿频谱模型的情况下,求飞机响应方差的精确解析解方法。

    A method of exact solution for the response of an aircraft to atmospheric turbulence based on frequency response method is derived , on the premise that two-sided Dryden power spectrum model of atmospheric turbulence is given .