
  • 网络Delaney;Draenei
  1. 女性德莱尼人的犄角将正确穿过一些板甲头盔。

    Female Draenei horns will now correctly protrude through certain plate helms .

  2. 最近维伦和剩下的德莱尼幸存者夺得并控制了暴风城塞的一座卫星建筑,并以之逃脱到艾泽拉斯。(喏。这就是那个岛。)

    Recently Velen and the remaining draenei survivors gained control of one of Tempest Keep 's satellite structures and used it to escape to Azeroth .

  3. 《野棕榈》由奥利弗·斯通制片,达娜·德莱尼、吉姆·贝鲁西和安吉·迪金森联袂主演。

    Produced by Oliver Stone , ' Wild Palms ' co-stars Dana Delaney , Jim Belushi and Angie Dickinson .

  4. 但是,德莱尼&斯特朗还是签署了一个公平意见。

    And yet , delaney & strong issued a fairness opinion .

  5. 我并不想主持德莱尼&斯特朗的解体。

    I do not intend to preside over the dismantling of delaney & strong .

  6. 我是那个永远最爱你的约翰德莱尼。

    I am John delaney & the one who has always loved you best ?

  7. 我看到了这些德莱尼人(我已经预测到了是这样),他们看起来是群长着触须的蓝皮肤帅哥和美女。

    I see Draeni ( who I predicted ) who now look like blue handsome tentacle people .

  8. 25年来德莱尼一直致力于有助于增强病人的康复过程和宽慰病人精神的圣所花园实践。

    Delaney devotes to enhance the healing process and console patients ' spirit in the sanctuary garden for her 25-year careers .

  9. 在他死后,他遗留下的恶魔躯体腐蚀了德莱尼的圣池,也就是现在的阿苟纳之池。

    When he died , his demonic essence was left behind to corrupt sacred Draenei pools into what are now known as the Pools of Aggonar .

  10. 当他站上通往德莱尼神殿王座的阶梯时,他几乎被袭击鼻子的气味给窒息了。

    As he stood atop the stairs to the great seat of the temple of the draenei , he almost choked from the smells that assaulted his nostrils .

  11. 评论家辩称“零风险”标准也会阻碍更安全的杀虫剂的发展,因为德莱尼条款甚至连更安全的杀虫剂也不允许添加。

    Critics argued that the " zero – risk " standard would also discourage the development of safer pesticides , since even the safer ones would not be allowed under Delaney .