
  • 网络Dera Ismail Khan
  1. 有消息称德拉伊斯梅尔汗监狱遭遇袭击,这所监狱关押着数百名武装分子。

    There is word of a possible raid on a Pakistani prison Dera Ismail Khan , where hundreds of militants are detained .

  2. 事发后不久,有人告诉我们,一名来自德拉伊斯梅尔汗完成徒步行走呼吁和平之举的男子将经过明戈拉,于是我们准备欢迎他的光临。

    Shortly after that we were told a man who had completed a peace walk from Dera Ismail Khan was coming through Mingora and we wanted to welcome him .