
  • 网络tokushima
  1. 德岛市最著名的一个舞蹈队叫做AhouRen。

    One of Tokushima 's most famous dance teams is called the Ahou Ren .

  2. Awa是德岛管区之前的名字,舞蹈的节日在1587年就开始,最初是封建主为了庆祝自己新建成的城堡而举行的。

    Awa is the former name of the Tokushima prefecture and the dance festival is thought to have gained its local character in 1587 when the feudal lord handed out sake to celebrate the completion of his newly-built castle .

  3. 在日本的德岛市,大约10万人身着节日盛装载歌载舞。

    In Tokushima city around 100 thousand costumed people dance in the streets .

  4. 始于2009年的超级动漫节让德岛与动漫结下了不解之缘。

    Super animation began in2009 with the animation section for Tokushima indissoluble bond .

  5. 我不想再记起我在伊锐德岛的日子。

    I do not want to remember the time that I spent on Earraid .

  6. 青少年交流方面,德岛县新野高中与我省惠州农校建立了友好学校关系;

    The Aratano High School of Tokushima Prefecture established Sister School Relationship with Huizhou Agriculture School of GD .

  7. 近日,德岛县副知事斋藤秀生赴上海推荐德岛&魅力观光之地。

    Recently , Saito , Vice Governor of Tokushima Prefecture in Shanghai show students recommended Tokushima-attractive tourist place .

  8. 那是我所能找到的唯一食品,因此在伊锐德岛我总是处于饥饿状态。

    That was the only food that I could find , so I was always hungry on Earraid .

  9. 广东省美术馆与德岛县美术馆也建立了良好的交流关系;

    GD Museum of Art has built up good exchange relations with the Modern Art Museum of Tokushima Prefecture .

  10. 神奇的自然秘境、传统文化和特色产业构成了日本四国德岛县的多元风貌。

    Amazing natural Fam , traditional culture and characteristics of industrial structure of Japan 's Shikoku Tokushima diverse style .

  11. 经选择我把我的大部分时间花在伊锐德岛北部的一座小山上。

    I chose to spend most of my time in the north of Earraid , on a little hill .

  12. 第二天早上,我惊奇地看见正是那两个人从爱欧娜岛向伊锐德岛驶来。

    The next morning , I was surprised to see that the same men were sailing towards Earraid from Iona .

  13. 我唯一的希望就是试着游到伊锐德岛,在月色中我能看见它离得不远。

    My only hope was to try to swim to Earraid , which I could see , not far away , in the moonlight .

  14. 日本的这次死亡事故于周二晚发生在德岛县郊区,该县位于日本南部的四国岛。

    The death in Japan occurred Tuesday evening in rural Tokushima Prefecture , on the island of Shikoku in the south of the country .

  15. 我向我在伊锐德岛上曾这么多次地看到的那缕炊烟走去,到了一个长长的、低矮的石屋那儿。

    I walked towards the smoke that I had seen so often from Earraid , and reached a long , low house built of stone .

  16. 我转过身,背对着小船,激动地跑回小岛的东端,在那儿伊锐德岛离马尔岛最近。

    I turned my back on the boat and ran back excitedly to the east of the island , where Earraid was the closest to Mull .

  17. 所有被试均来自日本德岛大学的研究生和博士生。(3)脑电信号的特征提取:本研究采用时域分析和频域分析相结合的方式来提取脑电信号特征。

    All subjects are graduate and doctoral students in Tokushima University in Japan . ( 3 ) Feature extraction : we use time domain analysis and frequency domain analysis to extract a combination of EEG features .

  18. 当我们来到伊锐德岛(即较大的马尔岛的附近的小岛)时,忽然间有一声可怕的撞击声,我们意识到船撞到了一块岩石上。

    As we came round Earraid , a small island close to the larger island of Mull , there was a sudden , terrible crash , and we realized that the ship had hit a rock .