- colonize;plant a colony;open up new land

(1) [colonize]∶帝国主义国家将不发达国家地区变为其殖民地
(2) [open up virgin soil and migrate]∶拓荒移民
First , upgrade your hull to level 15 , then colonize a planet .
The bigger the hull the less turns it takes to colonize a planet .
The immigrant colony is frequently nothing more than a transplanted village , for Americas actually has been colonized not by races or by nationalities , but by villages .
To test his hypothesis I colonized wild-type mice with B.
For many years Japanese politicians ignored the festering crisis , until Hokkaido Takushoku bank , the smallest of the city banks , collapsed in 1997 .
Europe the Prime of the Middle Ages the Movement of Colonization
The colonization of America by the British , Dutch and French
The movement of colonization of Europe in the Middle Ages has great significance .
The British colonized the East Coast .
In some 200 hundred years , the Vikings had accomplished a series of notable feats .
Colonize constantly , using the money produced by your Planets to buy supplies for your Planets .
They collect ast amounts of sequence fragments , which contain genetic information of thousands of species forming communities that colonise a certain habitat .
The substituting route for sustainable utilization of agricultural resources is multi-dimensional , including reciprocal substitute , functional substitute , colonizing substitute , input substitute and industrial substitute .
He boldly touches the quite sensitive living realm of his times in his works and , paves the way for the emergence and success of realistic literature .
The west movement in the contemporary American history is known as a process of a large-scaled colonial expansion , further opening-up of the western territory , urbanization , industrialization and national merging in the States .
The actual operational mechanism of multidimensional incremental route of agrarian route includes multifunctional replacement mechanism of agrarian resources , intensive mechanism of agrarian resources , establishing mechanism of agrarian resources and foreign input mechanism of agrarian resources .
The days are long past in settled countries when land could be acquired originally , by occupation or settlement , but movables can still be acquired in this way , as when a man catches fish or makes a table from wood .
Thirdly , in village community , schools gradually occupy almost all time-space of the children in village and have a greater influence on their life-history . They thus colonize outside life in the village , and challenge and even shrink the existing space of folk norms .