
  1. 从史实梳理中拓展旅游美学研究

    An Expanding Research on Tourism Aesthetics by Combing Annals

  2. 以就业为导向拓展旅游专业建设

    The Market-oriented Expansion of the Specialty of Tourism

  3. 在线旅行公司携程旅行网与电商巨头京东签署了战略协议,将拓展旅游、电子商务等领域的合作。

    Online travel agency Trip.com has inked a strategic deal with e-commerce giant JD.com to expand cooperation in tourism and e-commerce .

  4. 因此,应大力发展旅游业,加强旅游业基础设施建设,拓展旅游消费,以推动国民经济发展。

    Therefore , we should develop tourism industry vigorously , foster the construction of infrastructure and expand tourism consumption so as to promote the development of national economy .

  5. 该系统既满足了潜在旅游者获取旅游目的地信息的需要,又成为相关管理部门适应市场、时代变化拓展旅游促销形式的新举措。

    The system is not only satisfying the potential tourists ' needs , but also is a new strategy of adapting market for manage department and expanding market modle .

  6. 上海多年来成功的举办了旅游节,这对拓展旅游市场,促进社会经济的发展,发挥了十分积极的作用。

    The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role in expanding the tourist market and in turn promoting the economic and social development .

  7. 本文认为:科学地进行生态旅游项目主题形象定位利于有效地拓展旅游市场,利于旅游地生态旅游项目开发、经营者之间的协作;

    This paper believes that scientifically orient the image of the ecotourism project helps to develop the tourism market efficiently , and contributes to the cooperation between exploiters and operators of the ecotourism project .

  8. 最后提出加强水资源量的管理、强化水质管理、灵活开展旅游建设开发、拓展旅游开发利用资源范围等建议与对策。

    The paper also puts forwards some suggestions and strategies , including strengthening the management of quantity and quality of water resources , carrying out the flexible development of reservoir tourism , enlarging the scope of the resources for tourism development , etc.

  9. 大力拓展海洋旅游全面提升综合效益

    Energetic Development of Marine Tourism Overall Promotion of Comprehensive Benefits

  10. 四川深度拓展日本旅游客源市场研究

    A Study on the Deep Development of Japanese Tourist Market In Sichuan Province

  11. 关于广州拓展缅甸旅游市场的思路

    Proposals for Developing Burmese Tourism in Guangzhou Expand Thinking

  12. 拓展国内旅游市场的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Developing Domestic Tourist Market

  13. 从旅游审美场地点性中拓展出旅游美学所追寻的基本学理精神;

    It educes basic academic core of tourism aesthetics that according as its site ;

  14. 希望通过本课题的研究,拓展国内旅游纪念品的设计思维,丰富国内旅游纪念品市场。

    Hope that by researching this subject could expand domestic tourism souvenir design thinking and abundant domestic tourist souvenir market .

  15. 目的探讨欧美旅游者旅游决策行为对中国旅游市场的拓展和旅游资源开发的影响。

    Aim To discuss the influence of American and European tourists ′ purposes behavior on market development and tourism resources exploitation .

  16. 为确保自然保护区的保护功能,又能拓展其旅游开发,可持续发展是其必然选择。

    Sustainable development is its necessary choice in order to not only insure its protection function but also widen its tourism development .

  17. 本文通过研究和规划黑龙江省旅游特色纪念品的开发与营销策略,将对黑龙江省旅游市场的拓展,旅游经济的发展起到重大的推动作用。

    The paper will promote the tourism souvenirs market and the tourism economy by researching the developing and marketing strategies for tourism souvenirs in Heilongjiang province .

  18. 健康旅游顺应了这种潮流,主动拓展了旅游方式,丰富了旅游的内涵,是旅游产业发展的一个重要方向。

    The health tourism acclimate this tide of the tourism , the modes of tourism are broadened , and the meaning of tourism is also enriched .

  19. 结论从影响旅游者渴望来华旅游因素及旅游信息认知途径等方面的分析,对中国旅游市场的拓展、旅游形象设计及旅游资源的开发均有一定的参考价值。

    Conclusion Factors influencing decision and sources of traveling information are analyzed and the value on market development , tourism image design , tourism management and tourism resources exploitation was discussed .

  20. 本文结合延安市旅游环境的现状,对影响延安旅游环境容量的因素进行分析,找出拓展延安旅游环境容量的方向并提出了相应的拓展对策。

    Based on the analysis of the actuality and the influence factors of the tourism environment capacity of Yan'an , this paper gives some advice on expanding the tourism environment capacity of Yan'an .

  21. 按照上述基本思路和方法,本文着重对以下几方面进行了研究:1.拓展了旅游温泉的含义,并延伸其理论研究。

    According to the above thoughts and methods , this dissertation mainly studies the following aspects : Firstly , this dissertation expands the meaning of tourism hot spring and extends its theoretical study .

  22. 在理论上弥补了旅游节庆系统研究的不足,拓展了旅游开发研究的新领域,完善了不断发展中的旅游学科理论体系。

    The article tries to make up for the theory deficiency of FSE planning , open up new field of tourism study , improve and perfect the theory system of the subject of tourism .

  23. 区域合作是当今区域旅游发展的必然趋势,是拓展区域旅游发展空间,形成大区域旅游整体形象,实现区域旅游效益最大化并持续发展的重要途径。

    Regional cooperation which is the important way of enlarging the developmental spatial , forming the wholly image , promoting the best beneficial results and sustainable development of regional tourism is the inexorable trend of tourist development .

  24. 本文对秦皇岛市发展俄罗斯入境旅游进行SWOT分析,并提出秦皇岛市拓展俄罗斯入境旅游市场的策略。

    This text analyzed the development of Russian international tourist market of Qinhangdao , through SWOT analysis , and put forward some strategies .

  25. 高教园区&拓展文化体育旅游新领域

    Higher Education Zone & A New Field of Cultural and Physical Education Tourism

  26. 该公司正试图把业务拓展到同性恋旅游和娱乐领域,以增加收入。

    The company is trying to increase its revenue by expanding into gay travel and entertainment .

  27. 目的通过对英国客源市场的细分,为进一步拓展中国海外旅游市场提供依据。

    Aim To strength the segmental markets of British and offer to a reference for developing overseas markets of tourism in china .

  28. 在消费者开始在各个层面上试图拓展自身的旅游体验的时候,旅游目的地也力争挖掘自身的文化艺术价值。

    As tourists is looking for brand-new experience when they are traveling , those tourist destinations are making full advantage of their artistic value .

  29. 拓展苏州水上旅游空间的构想

    On the Expansion of Water Tourism Space in Suzhou

  30. 拓展湖北省入境旅游市场的策略分析

    A study on the strategy of exploiting inbound tourist market of Hubei Province