
  1. 私营品牌拓展公司达曼国际咨询(DaymonWorldwide)的消费者洞见和战略副总裁弗吉尼亚·莫里斯(VirginiaMorris)指出,消费者正在寻求独一无二的体验,包括个性化的咖啡制作工艺。

    Virginia Morris , vice president for consumer insights and strategy at Daymon Worldwide , a private-brand development company , noted that consumers were seeking singular experiences that would include individualistic brews .

  2. 在加纳,研究metalex公司的学员们的目标是,帮助丹夸调查通过合伙或融资拓展公司的方式。

    Over in Ghana , the aim of the students at Metalex was to help Mr danquah investigate ways of building the company through partnerships or financing .

  3. 与此相关,此次收购是有系统地拓展公司的技术业务领域的重大的一步。

    In this context the acquisition is an important step toward systematically expanding the company 's technology business .

  4. 因此,如何巩固并拓展公司业务市场份额就成为国有商业银行面临的重大课题。

    Therefore , how to consolidate and expand the business market share has become a major task faced by state-owned commercial Banks .

  5. 为迎合一些公司加强团队建设的理念,一些拓展公司也应运而生,而且相当繁荣。

    Many enterprises demand to strengthen their team building , therefore , some outward bound schools emerge as the times require and develop prosperously .

  6. 该公司也正参与宽带授权竞拍,预计将花费6.37亿美元以上,另外还要加上拓展公司服务范围的资金投入。

    It is also bidding for broadband spectrum which is estimated to cost $ 637 million plus it needs to invest in expanding its services .

  7. 上市公司可以透过在股票交易所挂牌上市集资,以更雄厚的资金去有效地拓展公司业务。

    Appear on the market the company can be passed through hang out his shingle in the stock exchange appear on the market collect money , go extending company business effectively with more abundant financing .

  8. 他们对'拓展公司的前景'、'进行社会服务'只有模模糊糊的认识,但从不下工夫对他们要做的实际工作作深入的了解。

    They have vague notions of ' furthering the company 's prospects ' or of ' serving the community ' , but have never taken the trouble to find out the actual tasks they will be required to do .

  9. 本文在广告服务定价策略进行分析的基础上,以求实现拓展C公司的市场、留住存量客户、吸引新拓展客户和提高市场占有额的目标。

    The advertising service pricing strategy based on C company , expand market , retain stock of customers , attract new customers and increase the market share expansion .

  10. 7月份,梁伯韬和盈科(亚洲)拓展有限公司(PCRD)达成协议,收购后者所持电讯盈科23%的股权。盈科拓展是一家新加坡上市公司,李泽楷持有其75%的股权。

    Mr Leung agreed in July to buy the 23 per cent stake in PCCW owned by Pacific Century Regional Developments ( PCRD ), a Singapore-listed company 75 per cent owned by Richard Li .

  11. 最后提出了我国投资银行应怎样拓展上市公司并购业务的具体对策建议。

    At last , it presents the specific policy suggestion .

  12. 激活存量资产提升资产质量努力拓展存续公司生存发展空间

    Activating stock assets and upgrading quality of the assets to develop room for the non-listing part COMPANY

  13. 公司同时具有国际贸易进出口资质,极大拓展了公司的业务范围。

    Fine core is also qualified for international import and export , which largely expands our business Scope .

  14. 此外,这些发展提高并拓展了公司的知识产权,并形成良性循环。

    In addition , these developments enhance and extend the Company 's intellectual property portfolio portfolio which perpetuates the cycle .

  15. 为了拓展贵公司在日本市场的业务,我们愿意作为贵公司的独家代理。

    With the goal of expanding your business in Japan , we are happy to be able to offer an exclusive distributorship .

  16. 最后,论文针对这些原因提出了具体的建议和解决方案,包括公司业务拓展、公司岗位要求与绩效调整、拓宽员工职业发展方向等方面,以到达改善公司员工满意度、凝聚人才的目的。

    At last , thesis gives the suggestions and solutions for details in order to improve the employee satisfaction and gather the talented people .

  17. 法律环境,保险监管方越来越关注保险公司的风险管理作业,监管范围拓展到公司的内部控制、公司治理等领域,有关保险公司内部控制、公司治理的指导意见已经或正在出台;

    Legal environment , insurance regulator pay more attention to risk management of insurance companies , including internal control , corporation governance and so on ;

  18. 从公司成长性角度来研究控股股东的掏空和支持行为,也丰富和拓展了公司治理理论。

    And the study on the shareholders ' " tunneling " and " prop " from the angle of Corporation Growth also enriches and extends the theory of corporation governance .

  19. 随着我行业务的迅速拓展,公司诚邀各类英才加入鑫途的行列,共创美好明天。

    Along with my good service rapid development , the company invites each kind of person with outstanding ability to join the Xin way honestly the ranks , altogether will create happy tomorrow .

  20. 在向中国内陆和西部地区拓展的公司战略指导下,百事公司将于未来两年在福建、甘肃、云南和河南四省开设新厂。

    Consistent with the company 's strategy to expand in interior and western China , PepsiCo will open plants in the provinces of Fujian , Gansu , Henan and Yunnan in the next two years .

  21. 产生这些问题的原因分别为:企业对价值增值的持续审计认识不充分;企业持续审计价值增值功能研究不到位;缺乏技术开发:服务没有拓展到公司治理层面。

    The causes of the problems are : cognitive factors of continuous auditing based on value-added , factors of the study on the value-added function of continuous auditing , technology development factors , service are not extended to corporate governance .

  22. 首先对公司治理和融资结构两个关键概念进行界定,拓展了公司治理的外延和内涵,强调了广义的公司治理在在新的治理环境下的重要运用。

    Capital structure and corporate governance , the two key concepts are defined to expand the extension and intension of corporate governance , of which the concept of broad corporate governance is emphasized , especially in the new governance environment .

  23. 原文范例翻译范例敬启者:我们拟拓展本公司在贵国的业务,如果您能提供敝公司有关洛杉矶一些对进口中文书籍有兴趣、可靠的公司名单,敝公司将感激不尽。

    Gentlemen : We are desirous of extending our connections in your country and shall be much obliged if you will give us a list of some reliable business houses in Los Angeles who are interested in the importation of Chinese books .

  24. 为了提高员工的这些素质,近几年北京市越来越多的IT公司开始委托专业的拓展培训公司为自己的员工开展相关培训,拓展培训逐渐受到IT行业的青睐。

    In recent years , Beijing , more and more and more IT companies start commissioning the development of professional training for its own staff to carry out relevant training , develop training has gradually become IT training company , one of the most enthusiastic .

  25. 不幸的是,这种舒适感会阻碍你的学习,而学习又会拓展你的公司和事业。

    Unfortunately , that comfort can hinder the very learning that can expand your company and your career .

  26. JD公司是一家小型拓展训练培训公司。

    JD Company is a small one specialized in outdoor training .

  27. 戴尔公司(DellInc.)终端电脑销售副总裁谢尔(KirkSchell)周一说,戴尔也在向新的设备类型拓展,该公司展示了一款可以向后折叠成平板电脑的超薄笔记本电脑。

    Dell Inc. is also expanding into new device forms with a thin laptop that can fold backward into a tablet , the company 's vice president of end computing sales , Kirk Schell , said Monday .

  28. 因此,对于那些迫切需求拓展市场的公司来说有效的国际广告沟通必不可少。

    Thus efficient international advertising communication is indispensable to the companies intending to expand their markets .

  29. 总之,要想成功拓展小额贷款公司的融资渠道需要政府和小额贷款公司双方共同的努力。

    In order to successfully expanding the financing channels , the government and small loan companies need joint effort .

  30. 北京亮点拓展科贸有限公司是一家及开发,设计,研制,制作,经营销售为一体的实体企业。

    Is a development and the development , design , development , production , sales as one business entity enterprise .