
  • 网络cable bridge
  1. 索道桥是以钢丝绳或钢绞线为主要受力构件,钢横梁及木板等作为局部受力构件的一种悬索体系桥梁。

    Cable bridge is a type of suspension bridge which depends on the wire rope , strand and steel beams to suffer the force .

  2. 在索道桥的可靠度分析过程中,由于目前可靠度的相关规范取值中,大多针对混凝土桥梁,没有针对索道桥的统计参数,实际中也缺乏大量统计数据。

    The process of reliability analysis in Cable Bridge , since the current value of the relevant norms of reliability , most for the concrete bridge , there is no statistical parameters for the cable bridge ; the actual statistical data are also lacking a lot of .

  3. 索道桥成桥状态研究与静载试验分析

    Research completion state of cableway bridge and analysis on static loading test

  4. 以云南澜沧江糯扎渡水电站临时施工索道桥为工程背景,利用有限元法反复迭代确定了临时索道桥的成桥状态。

    The stable completion state of rope way bridge is determined by reiterative and finite element method .

  5. 大变形柔索结构的有限单元法理论及索道桥计算单线循环式索道动力学

    A Nonlinear Finite Element Method for Cable Structures of Finite Elastic Deformation and the Computation of Cable Bridge

  6. 在此基础上,计算了车辆荷载对索道桥的作用,通过与试验数据的对比,验证了计算方法的正确性。

    The theoretical values of vehicular load on the rope way bridge were obtained by this method . A consistency ( between ) theory analysis and practice is proved through engineering example .

  7. 索道桥在临时工程及战备中占有重要地位,因此索道桥建成后的承载能力评估具有重要意义。

    Rope way bridge has an important position in temporary engineering and war readiness , and the evaluation of its load-carrying ability is of more important value after the rope way bridge has been set up .

  8. 索道在特大桥施工中安全适用,能满足吊装作业和高强度工作量要求。

    The result showed that the hoisting cableway was safety and appliance in the construction of bridge , and it was suitable in the request of hoisting working and high strength workload .