
  • 网络Bannu
  1. “奥西里斯-雷克斯”探测器于2016年9月8日发射,并于2018年12月3日抵达小行星“本努”附近。

    OSIRIS-REx was launched on Sept 8 , 2016 and arrived at Bennu on Dec 3 , 2018 .

  2. 飞船将在今天试图着陆到本努小行星上布满巨砾的表面,并抓取少量碎石。

    The spacecraft will attempt to descend to the boulder-packed surface of the Bennu asteroid today and snatch a handful of rubble .

  3. 来自“本努”的岩石样本不仅可以帮助科学家更多地了解可能撞击地球的小行星,还可以帮助他们了解行星的形成和生命的起源。

    The samples from Bennu could help scientists understand not only more about asteroids that could impact Earth but also about how planets formed and life began .

  4. 美国宇航局宣布,“奥西里斯-雷克斯”探测器10月20日降落到小行星“本努”表面并完成了岩石样本采集任务,这是美国首次在小行星表面采集到原始的岩石样本,并运回地球作进一步研究。

    NASA said its OSIRIS-REx mission touched down on asteroid Bennu on Tuesday and collected a sample from the asteroid 's surface . It is the first US mission to retrieve a pristine sample of an asteroid and return it to Earth for further study .