
  • 网络eigenvibration
  1. 双线性单自由度体系强迫动力反应的Hilbert谱与本征振动模态:输入简谐波频率的影响

    Hilbert spectrum and intrinsic oscillation mode of dynamic response of a bilinear SDOF system : influence of input harmonic frequency

  2. 发现CO-Pt吸附体系的振动状态仍近似谐振动,与自由态CO分子振动态比较,本征振动能量降低,谱线红移。

    It is found that the vibration states of the CO-Pt system are similar to those of the harmonic oscillation , the eigenvibration energies of CO-Pt system are lower than those of the free state of CO , and the spectra are red-shift .

  3. 借助推广的LEPS势,系统研究了一氧化碳分子在铂低指数表面吸附的动力学特性,重现了低指数表面的分子吸附热、吸附几何及本征振动等实验数据;

    The adsorption mechanism of CO on three Pt low index surfaces was investigated by the extended LEPS potential . We reproduce well the experimental data of the adsorption sites , the adsorption geometry , the binding energy and the eigenvibration for CO on Pt surfaces .

  4. 方法对晶体内存在的本征振动,根据电磁场边值条件,分析反射光和透射光的振辐分布。

    Methods For the intrinsic vibration in the two crystals , using the boundary conditions of electromagnetic field , the distribution of amplitudes for the lights of reflection and transmission are analyzed .

  5. 该统计结果是进行熔体拉曼谱图理论计算(包括本征振动分析、谱峰强度运算和包络线的获取)的出发点。

    The statistical results are starting point of carrying the theoretical calculation , including the eigen vibrational analysis , the intensity computation and the envelope integration , of Raman spectra for melt .

  6. 除了ZrO2本征拉曼振动峰外,还有几个新的拉曼振动模式被观察到。

    Besides ZrO_2 fundamental modes , a few weak Raman modes are observed .

  7. 在不受应力边界条件下,运用连续介质理论研究孤立的纳米颗粒的本征矢与本征振动模。

    Continuous media theory used to study eigenvectors and eigenmodes in the nanoparticle under the stress free boundary conditions .

  8. 介绍了一种基于系统平均能量的截断方法,在求解双原子分子振动的本征波函数Ψn和本征振动能量En的过程中,采用基于系统平均能量的边界截断较为适宜。

    A method for the boundary cutoff based on the expectational energy of the system is suggested , which is suitable to the calculations for the eigen-functions and - energies of the vibrational levels of diatomics .