
  • 网络domestic bond
  1. 那些希望保留本国债券的国家可以这样做。

    States that wished to retain their own bonds could do so .

  2. 巴西最近就对外国购买本国债券的税金翻了一番。

    Brazil recently doubled a tax on foreign purchases of its domestic debt .

  3. 外国投资者一直利用国内债券持有人对本国债券的胃口来释放头寸。

    Foreign investors have used the thirst from domestic bondholders for local paper to get out of positions .

  4. 泰国最新的举措要温和一些:取消外国投资者投资本国债券的税收减免。

    The latest measures are more modest : a removal of the tax breaks received by foreign investors in domestic bonds .

  5. 长期再融资操作使西班牙和意大利的银行能够利用本国债券开展高利润、低风险的套利交易。

    The LTRO enabled Spanish and Italian banks to engage in very profitable and low-risk arbitrage in their own countries ' bonds .

  6. 智利走的是干预汇率的老路,通过发行本国债券进行市场冲销,以限制比索升值。

    Chile went down the well-worn route of currency intervention , sterilised through local bond issues , to try to limit peso strength .

  7. 本计划的第三项内容为技术援助。援助将由世行提供,以帮助各国建立可投资性更高的本国债券市场。

    The third part of the program is technical assistance to be provided by the Bank to help countries develop more investable local bond markets .

  8. 由于本国债券与基准市场德国之间的息差急剧扩大,欧洲所谓外围经济体的债市也承受了巨大压力。

    The debt markets of Europe 's so-called peripheral economies also came under pressure as the yield spread between their bonds and Germany , the benchmark market , widened sharply .

  9. 亚洲银行对陷入困境的欧洲银行、债券和经济的直接敞口相对较少,日本银行持有的欧债规模,远不及本国债券。

    Asian banks ' direct exposure to troubled European banks , bonds and economies is relatively small , with Japanese groups ' holdings of bonds dwarfed by their Japanese government bond holdings .

  10. 佐立克在他履新后的首次海外之行中接受了记者采访,表示,亚洲政府需要解决“本国债券市场缺乏深度”的问题。

    Speaking to reporters on his first overseas trip in his new post , Mr Zoellick said Asian governments needed to address a " lack of depth in the local bond markets " .

  11. 米罗表示,促进非洲各国本国债券市场的发展,是确保这些国家不会突然发现自己陷入了依赖贷款者的新境地的一种方式。

    Promoting national bond markets in Africa , Mr Mirow said , is a way to ensure that these countries do not suddenly find themselves in a new situation of dependence vis - à - vis a lender .

  12. 巴西凭借无懈可击的逻辑,对外国投资者购买本国债券和股票征税,因为它从资产泡沫中捞不到任何好处,也不打算让热钱把里尔汇率炒上天。

    With impeccable logic , Brazil has imposed taxes on foreign purchases of bonds and equities it has nothing to gain from an asset bubble and no desire to allow hot money to drive its exchange rate through the roof .

  13. 在3月1日的时候,还存在这种几近世界末日的熊市心态,如今则已不存在,这与英国央行和美联储宣布计划购买本国债券,以及一些重要经济指数企稳的时间一致。

    On March 1 , there was this almost apocalyptic , psychotic bearishness . That has gone . It coincided with the Bank of England and US Fed announcing plans to buy their own bonds , and the stabilising of some important economic indicators .

  14. 在需求方面,部分压力来自后危机时代的监管规定,这些规定强令金融机构购买本国政府债券。

    On the demand side , the pressure stems partly from post-crisis regulation that forces financial institutions to buy domestic government bonds .

  15. 举例来说,跟据该计划,可以用完全安全的欧洲债券覆盖希腊、爱尔兰或法国50%的借款,剩下的一半则由各国政府发行本国政府债券来解决。

    For example , the regime would allow Greece , Ireland or France to cover 50 % of their total borrowings with totally safe Eurobonds , and the other half with their own government securities .

  16. 尽管东亚各新兴市场经济体政府采取了一系列措施促进本国企业债券市场的发展,但是,由于制度的路径依赖问题,东亚新兴企业债券市场制度环境的改善还有很长的路要走。

    Although some measures have been taken to promote the development of East Asia emerging corporate bond markets , because of path dependence of institutions , the great improvement of institution environment of East Asia emerging corporate bond markets will get a long way to go .

  17. 类似的,日本也有充足的理由更积极的为该地区的大型基础设施项目提供融资,因为其它两种选择显而易见:国内的企业贷款(需求很少或者利润率低)或者投资于本国政府债券市场。

    Similarly the Japanese have every reason to become more active financing big infrastructure deals in the region , given that the two obvious alternatives are corporate lending at home , where there is little demand or margin , or to invest in their government bond market .

  18. 资本与偿付能力的相关法规把政府债券定义为安全投资,这就很奇特地让本国政府的债券成了安全投资。

    Rules on capital and liquidity label government debt as safe and render domestic government debt peculiarly so .

  19. 同时,我们也将对本地(本国)货币债券市场的发展提供支持和投资。

    We have a parallel effort to support and invest in the development of local currency bond markets .

  20. 外购人可以买本国发行的债券,但是认为的降低受益和其他默认风险,这使其缺乏吸引力。

    Foreigners can buy debt issued domestically , but artificially low yields and the risk of another default make that unappealing .

  21. 因此,许多银行都持有巨额本国政府发行的债券。

    So many banks loaded up on their own country 's debt .

  22. 许多亚洲政府都在发行以本国货币计价的债券。

    A number of Asian governments issue bonds in their own currencies .

  23. 有人焦虑地表示:如果日本的主妇们打开储蓄的闸门,将资金投放到国外,那么本国庞大的政府债券市场有可能崩溃。

    But there was nervous chatter , too : if Japanese housewives opened the floodgates and sluiced money abroad , there could be a collapse in Japan 's enormous government bond market .

  24. 所以,许多重大的问题都取决于欧洲技术官僚是否有能力稳定本国经济、安抚债券市场,从而避免下一次金融危机、避免欧元区的无序瓦解。

    So a great deal is riding on the ability of the technocrats to stabilise their national economies , calm the bond markets and prevent another financial crisis and a disorderly break-up of the euro .