
  1. 大力推进HAZOP方法应用,提高设计本质安全化水平

    Energetically Promote the Application of HAZOP Method , Improve the Inherent Safety of Design

  2. 煤矿本质安全化管理体系建立及其应用的探讨

    Establishment of Inherent Safety Management System in Coalmine and Its Application

  3. 加强设备本质安全化管理降低系统安全风险

    Strengthening Equipment Management with Essence Safety to Decrease System Safety Risk

  4. 本质安全化是实现无隐患管理的有效途径

    Essential safety is the effective approach of the management without hidden danger

  5. 建筑安全管理本质安全化系统模型研究

    Study on the Model of Inherent Safer System in Construction Safety Management

  6. 化工过程开发中本质安全化设计策略

    Strategies for Inherent Safer Design during Chemical Process Development

  7. 企业本质安全化模型研究

    Study on the Model of Essential Safety in Enterprise

  8. 应用职业健康安全管理体系逐步实现人的本质安全化

    Actualizing Inbeing Safety of Person by Application of Occupational Health and Safety Manage System

  9. 并对系统本质安全化进行了量化;

    Furthermore , system inherent safety is quantified .

  10. 煤矿本质安全化管理研究

    Research on Essential Safe Management of Coal Mines

  11. 煤矿的本质安全化

    Establishment of Intrinsic Safety System for Coal Mines

  12. 利用人机环境系统工程理论,对煤矿本质安全化进行了讨论。

    The establishment of intrinsic safety system for coal mines is dis-cussed by Man-Machine-Environment system engineering theory .

  13. 该文提出了一种在设计初期进行化工过程本质安全化设计的策略。

    A methodology for inherent safer design of chemical process during early process of design was proposed .

  14. 设计阶段高含硫天然气管道泄漏、爆炸危险的本质安全化分析与改进

    Inherent Safety Analysis and Improvement about the Leakage and Explosion Risks of High-sulfur Natural Gas Pipeline during Design Stage

  15. 同时,从“人机环”本质安全化的角度,提出了预防、预控、预测的对策。

    Meanwhile , the preventive , pre-control and calculating countermeasures are put forward from essential safety of man-machine link .

  16. 以安全分区为基础的安全管理模式为建立本质安全化的煤矿提供了依据。

    Safety Management Mode based on the safety subarea provides a basis for the establishment of the real safe coal mines .

  17. 本质安全化设计是预防人为失误及设备失效、降低化工过程风险应优先采用的技术。

    Inherent safer chemical process design is a precedence technique to prevent human error and invalidation of facility and reduce the risk of chemical process .

  18. 分析了企业生产过程中,设备、设施本质安全化的状况,认为企业安全工作的根本出路在于设备、设施本质安全化。

    Safety situation of facilities and equipment in production is analyzed and it is considered that the fundamental way out for safety work in enterprises lies in essential safety of equipment and facilities .

  19. 设计出煤矿本质安全化管理体系的软件,并以瓦斯爆炸事故为例,分析了该管理体系在实际中的应用效果。

    Based on the above research , inherent safety management system in coalmine and its software were designed and established . Finally , the practical effect of this management system was illustrated by gas explosion accident .

  20. 服从于煤矿企业本质安全化的要求,基于本质安全文化建设的前提下,构建适合煤矿企业特点的本质安全管理模式。

    Subject to the intrinsic safety of coal mining enterprises of the requirements , the nature of safety culture based on the premise , to build the essential characteristics of coal mining enterprises for security management .

  21. 分析和研讨的基础上,提出交互式安全管理理论的本质安全化管理研究基本思路:基于3层次和谐交互机制的本质安全化动态演化机制;

    According to the basic concept of interactive safety management , guidelines for inherent safety management is put forward , which is a dynamic evolving mechanism of inherent safety based on the three-level harmoniously interactive mechanism .

  22. 本论文以轻质碳酸镁的制备过程为研究对象,分析了化工过程本质安全化的相关问题,并给出了提高石化企业本质安全水平的建议。

    Taking the production process of light magnesium carbonate as a research objective , this thesis studies the inherently safe process of chemical process and provides some suggestions for improving of the inherent safe level for chemical industry .

  23. 在比较传统设计方法与本质安全化设计方法的基础上,讨论了化工过程开发各阶段实现本质安全的机会,认为在开发初期,实施本质安全化的成本低,难度小;

    The opportunity for inherent safer chemical process design was analyzed by comparing the inherent safety design with the traditional design method . It is easier to design safer chemical process with low cost during the early stage of chemical process development .

  24. 只要掌握平衡态理论和煤矿事故发生机理,通过实现人员无失误、环境无隐患、设备无故障、管理无漏洞,就能实现煤矿生产的本质安全化。

    Learning the equilibrium theory and accidents occurring mechanism and eliminating the major accident-causing factor-the unsafe behavior of people by zero personnel mistake , zero environmental hidden trouble , zero management leak , the safety affecting factors could be restricted and controlled . The mine inherent safety could be realized .