
  1. 所有培训班经费由县本级财政解决。

    The expenses incurred by all kinds of training are borned by country-level finance department .

  2. 各级卫生监督机构的本级财政投入人均为0.9502万元,占总支出的49.4%。

    The local financial input of all levels health inspection agency was 9502 Yuan every person and accounted for 49.4 % of expenditures .

  3. 其中,征税工作是海关所有职能中的重中之重,海关征收税款占到中央本级财政收入的三分之一左右。

    Meanwhile , collecting applicable duties and taxes is the most important responsibility among the above . Customs income is one third of the Central Government revenue .

  4. 代表执行职务所需的经费,应当依法列入本级财政预算,专款专用。

    The funds that representatives need to perform functions shall be included in the financial budget of the governments at the corresponding levels , and shall be used for the special purpose .

  5. 县级以上地方人民政府根据当地社会经济发展的需要所建设的地方气象事业项目,其投资主要由本级财政承担。

    Local meteorological projects initiated by local people 's governments at or above the county level to meet the needs of local social and economic development shall mainly be financed by the said governments themselves .

  6. 然后,从武汉市市本级财政收支情况出发,以武汉城投公司的存量债务为对象,测算其长期偿债能力,得出长期偿债能力不足的结论。

    Secondly , from the revenue and expenditure situation of Wuhan City , Wuhan City to vote the stock of debt as an object , measure its long-term solvency , lack of long-term solvency draw conclusions .

  7. 目前合川区农村基础设施建设除上级补助资金和本级财政投入外,主要依靠商业银行贷款,融资成本高,规模小,不能满足对资金的需要。

    At present , Hechuan area of rural infrastructure in addition to the higher level of the grant funds and financial investment , mainly depend on commercial bank loans , high financing costs , small scale , can not meet the funding needs .

  8. 政府财政预算信息公开是指一定的政府机关通过法定的途径和方式将本级政府财政预算的依据以及财政预算的编制、审批、执行、决算、内容等整个过程向公民、法人、其他组织公开。

    Government budget information disclosure is that government body disclose the basis of government budget and the process of budget preparation , approval , implementation , final accounts and contents to the citizens , legal persons and other organizations through legal ways and means .