
jiǎnɡ zhù
  • provide with financial assistance
  1. 巴拉克.奥巴马总统设立的最高奖助金竞争把重点都放在了阅读与数学的科目上,并拨出大笔款项鼓励每一个州把学生的考试成绩和老师的业绩评估捆绑在一起。

    President Barack obama 's race to the top grant competition consolidated the focus on reading and math , and leveraged federal funds to push states to tie teacher evaluation to student test results .

  2. 在他加入思达斯-西奈之前,他和其他的研究人员也有国家卫生研究院(NIH)奖助金支持。

    He and other researchers are also supported by other NIH grants received before he joined Cedars-Sinai .

  3. 她于1994年及1995年分别获亚洲文化协会(ACC)及美国国际教育基金(IIE)颁发前往美国实习的奖助。

    She is the recipient of a fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council ( ACC ) in1994 and from the Institute of International Education ( IIE ) in1995 .

  4. 1975获得加拿大议会艺术奖助,进行乐烧窑实验。

    1975 received a Canada Council arts grant to experiment in raku .

  5. 扶轮世界和平奖助金受奖人的平均年龄几岁?

    What is the average age of a Rotary World Peace Fellow ?

  6. 地区会收到可使用奖助金全部的经费。

    Districts can receive the full grant amount available .

  7. 问:扶轮基金会能直接支付奖助金给一位受益人?

    Q : Can TRF make a grant payment directly to a beneficiary ?

  8. 基金会所有奖助金规定哪些基本财务监督责任?

    What are the basic financial stewardship responsibilities required for all TRF grants ?

  9. 地区领导人在奖助金管理工作上扮演哪些角色与责任?

    What are the roles and responsibilities of district leadership in grant stewardship ?

  10. 我们已申请到奖助金全额赞助我们三年

    Max : We got the grant three years , all expenses paid .

  11. 你在申请奖学金,可能不止需要一年的奖助,也可能会到四年。

    You 'll need funding for at least four years , not just one .

  12. 个人奖助金要如何运用于支援地区简化奖助金或配合奖助金?

    How could Individual Grants be used to support District Simplified Grants or Matching Grants ?

  13. 他最近荣获2000~2001健康论坛的心血管健康研究奖助。

    His most recent honor was a health forum cardiovascular health fellowship for2000 ? 2001 .

  14. 新时期构建研究生奖助体系的思考与对策

    Reflections on Constructing Postgraduate Financial Assistance and Scholarship System and Countermeasures in the New Era

  15. 宣导及时缴交所有已核准奖助金应缴报告给扶轮基金会;

    Promote the timely submission of required reports for all approved grants to the Foundation ;

  16. 根据你的经验,你有改善配合奖助金计画的建议吗?

    Given your experience , do you have suggestions to improve the matching grants program ?

  17. 以准备提案,来管理奖助金基金。

    Managed grant funds by preparing proposals .

  18. 每个扶轮年度一个奖助金。

    One grant per Rotary year .

  19. 扶基金会拨给配合奖助金帮助扶社员盖一口井,及进行其他工程。

    Matching grant from the Rotary Foundation helped Rotarians finish off a well and perform other structural work .

  20. 接著由林俊兴董事长提示本年度奖助研究案,本会主要奖助的研究课题与范畴。

    Then , President Lin Chun-shin pointed out the subjects and scope of funding projects for this year .

  21. 虽然我们不能用扶轮基金会的奖助金来盖建筑物,我们可以捐赠设备给学校。

    Although we cannot use Rotary Foundation grants to erect buildings , we can use them to equip schools .

  22. 于奖助金受奖者的家乡与地主机构之教师间,促进教学方法与想法的交流。

    Promote the exchange of teaching methods and ideas between teachers at grant recipients ' home and host institutions .

  23. 你的奖助金协调人将通知该计划之赞助人其他必要进一步之资讯以便完成你所提交的报告。

    Your Grant Coordinator will notify the project sponsors if further information is needed to complete your submitted report .

  24. 它意味著扶轮社必须与地区领导一起工作以决定如何公正、公平地使用奖助金经费。

    This means that the clubs must work with district leadership to determine fair and equitable distribution of grant funds .

  25. 协助扶轮社研拟国际服务计划,并且通知扶轮社有那些扶轮基金会奖助金可以帮助他们;

    Assist clubs in developing international service projects and inform the clubs of the Foundation grants that can help them ;

  26. 确立了该系统具有考勤管理、奖助贷管理、入党管理、考证管理以及综合测评等功能。

    Establish the system of attendance management , loan management , the party grants management , research management and comprehensive evaluation function .

  27. 我非常希望所有申请到研究奖助的人都能够获取成功,因为这些年轻的科学家们才是英国医学研究理事会的希望。

    I am particularly pleased that all the fellowship applications were successful because independent young scientists represent the future of the centre .

  28. 华人教育的重要推动力量&马来西亚华人社团奖助贷学金分析

    A Kind of Important Power Which Pushes Forward Chinese Education & An Analysis On The Scholarship In The Associations of Overseas Chinese in Malaysia

  29. 而该奖助金应视同一个单位来看待,当缴交结案报告时应说明整个奖助金经费。

    As the grant funds are considered a unit , the district must account for the entire grant amount when submitting the final report .

  30. 许多学校拥有很高的评价,有可能因为他们提供了很大方的奖助金给学生申请,以减少学生在学习时所支付的成本。

    Many of these schools have high sticker prices but are likely to hand out generous amounts of aid to reduce students'true net cost .