
jiǎnɡ yù
  • give recognition;commend;honour
  • praise;award
奖誉 [jiǎng yù]
  • (1) [honour]∶奖励和荣誉

  • 这是集体对他的奖誉

  • (2) [spur]∶夸奖;称赞

  1. 学生们因克服重重困难而受到奖誉。

    The students were praised for overcoming adverse conditions .

  2. 该奖项创立于1964年,美国总统学者奖被誉为对美国高中生最重要的奖项之一。

    Created in 1964 , the US Presidential Scholars Program is described as one of the nation 's most important awards for high school students .

  3. 国家最高科技奖被誉为是中国的诺贝尔奖,自从2000年颁奖以来,已经连续12年授奖给中国顶尖的科学家,迄今为止,共有20位科学家获此殊荣。

    China has been offering annual awards - considered the country 's answer to the Nobel Prize - to elite scientists for 12 consecutive years since 2000 , and 20 have been honored so far .

  4. 这种橙色甜土豆今年获得了世界粮食奖,被誉为“全人类的健康作物”。

    This year , the orange-fleshed sweet potatoes won the World Food Prize and have been seen as " a healthy crop for all . "

  5. 其代表作《宠儿》获得1988年普利策文学奖,被誉为美国黑人文学上的一座纪念碑。

    Her representative novel Beloved , which won Morrison Pulitzer Prize in 1988 , is regarded as one of the milestones in the American black literature .

  6. 波波维奇带领圣安东尼奥马刺队五度夺得NBA总冠军,三获得NBA年度最佳教练奖,被广泛誉为近十年来NBA最佳教练。

    Popovich has won five NBA championships with San Antonio . He 's been named Coach of the Year three times and is widely regarded as the best NBA coach of the last decade or so .

  7. 2001年诺贝尔文学奖得主维·苏·奈保尔被誉为环球文学的旅行者,他的生活和创作之生命力都源于不断的旅行。

    S. Naipaul , the Nobel Prize winner in 2001 , is regarded as a traveler of the Global literature .

  8. 《活捉》一剧荣获上海第三届戏剧节表演奖和花冠奖,被誉为“江南名丑”。

    Among these plays , the play to be arrested were awarded performance prize and corolla prize at the third Shanghai Drama festival , so he was acclaimed as famous buffoon of South of Changjiang river .