
  • 网络scholarship
  1. 创新高职学院的奖学金制度已经势在必行。

    It is imperative to improve the scholarship system of higher vocational institutes .

  2. 第二部分主要讲述了现行研究生奖学金制度的历史沿革及其实施意图。

    The second part focuses on the history and the implementation intent of the present postgraduate scholarship system .

  3. 因为国外的很多学校的奖学金制度都是不一样的。

    Because the fellowship system of a lot of schools of abroad is different .

  4. 第三部分对现行研究生奖学金制度实施的理论基础作简要说明。

    The third part is briefly explain the theoretical basis of the implementation of the current fellowships system .

  5. 第四部分主要是通过问卷调查及无结构访谈来呈现研究生奖学金制度实施的现状。

    The fourth part presents the current situation of implementation of the system of fellowships through questionnaires and unstructured interviews .

  6. 结论表明:奖学金制度实施的效果总体值得肯定,但存在部分不足。

    The conclusion is the effect of the implementation of scholarship system should be affirmed , but insufficient still exist .

  7. 她一直与罗斯福大学有着良好的合作,合作期间帮助罗斯福大学建立了录取标准,奖学金制度以及以及留校标准。

    She has worked closely with faculty at Roosevelt University and has helped set standards for admission , scholarship and retention .

  8. 即使存在着奖学金制度,下等和中等阶级中,很少有人能超越这个鸿沟。

    Even with the free scholarship system , too few members of the lower or middle class could jump this hurdle .

  9. 在乡镇以上中学和小学逐步实行助学金制度和奖学金制度。

    Stipend and scholarship systems have been put in place step by step in primary and middle schools above the town level .

  10. 在其历史沿革中,将研究生奖学金制度的发展划分成萌芽阶段、普通奖学金阶段、抵免学费阶段。

    On history , the development of the postgraduate scholarship system can be divided into three stages : embryonic stage , general scholarship stage and credits tuition stage .

  11. 新的研究生奖学金制度着眼于研究生教育的内在激励机制,其思想是进步的,出发点是有利于研究生教育培养的。

    New fellowships system is focus on both funding and incentive function , the idea is advanced , and the starting point is in favor of postgraduate education .

  12. 英国高校的领导们表示,申请人数减少的原因有很多,包括英国退欧、较高的大学费用以及实习护士和助产士奖学金制度的变化。

    University leaders said a number of factors could be fuelling the fall in applicants , including Brexit , higher fees and funding changes for trainee nurses and midwives .

  13. 以完善的奖学金制度加强环境保护,总干事说,尽管自然保护联盟是以各国政府和非政府组织为基础,但“我们真正的老板是科学”。

    Stressing the need to underpin conservation activities with sound scholarship , the Director-General said that even though the IUCN was based on governments and NGOs ," our real boss is science " .

  14. 小城镇建设中乡镇政府的职能和地位在乡镇以上中学和小学逐步实行助学金制度和奖学金制度。

    The Function and Position of Rural Government in Small Towns Construction ; Stipend and scholarship systems have been put in place step by step in primary and middle schools above the town level .

  15. 由学校董事会召集的蓝带小组表示,他们希望有48年历史的佩尔奖学金制度关注那些真的想留在学校并想毕业的学生,因为现在有太多的学生选择辍学。

    A blue-ribbon panel convened by the college board wants the 48-year-old Pell Grant program to focus on students who actually stay in school and graduate , because right now , too many drop out .

  16. 鉴于发展中国家孔子学院受经济因素制约大,有必要拓宽办学模式、完善奖学金制度,为当地的孔子学院展提供更多的经济支持。

    As to the developing countries , it is of necessity to verify the ways to run schools , improve the scholarship system so as to provide the local Confucius Institute with more financial support .

  17. 普通高校研究生奖学金激励制度初探

    Exploration about the Incentive Systems of College Graduate Scholarship

  18. 提高班级管理水平,必须建立健全班干部制度、班级积分制度、班级考核制度、班主任助理制度、班级例会制度、班级奖学金评选制度等。

    To improve the class management level , the systems of class cadre , class integral , class examination , head teacher assistance , class regular meeting and class scholarship appraisal should be established and perfected .

  19. 国家通过实行奖学金和贷学金制度来调节毕业生流向。

    The direction in which graduates will go is to be regulated by the system of scholarship and loan in our country .

  20. 高校研究生收费制下奖学金评定的问题和对策助学金制度与奖学金制度并存的阶段;

    Problems and Countermeasures of Scholarship Evaluation under the Background of Tuition System for College Graduates the period of scholarship and student loan ;

  21. 通过调查,了解到新时期我国高校学生的生活来源与奖学金获得情况、获得奖学金目的及使用情况、对待奖学金及奖学制度的理性程度等具体信息。

    Through the investigation , many specific information nowadays about college students were gotten timely such as the cost of living , the state of obtaining scholarship , the purpose to achieving scholarship , how scholarships are used , and degree of ration on treating scholarship and the scholarship system .