
  1. 具体如下:改革俱乐部股权结构,让国企资本退出;完善激励约束机制;推进运动员自由转会制度;减少地方政府干预;改变利益分配格局。

    As follows , reforming the state-owned shareholding structure of club , so that state-owned capital exit , improving the incentive-restricted mechanism , promoting a free transfer system for athletes , reducing local government intervention , Changing the pattern of distribution of benefits and so on .

  2. 改革开放以来我国存在非常明显的俱乐部收敛现象,而市场化程度或改革强度是各俱乐部之间相互区别的主要作用机制。

    The conclusion is that there exists obvious club convergence phenomenon since China 's reform and opening up and the extent of marketization or the strength of reform is the major functioning mechanism determining the difference of various clubs .

  3. 分析了排球职业化改革的成就和存在的问题,特别是赛制改革和俱乐部建设中存在的问题;

    And analyzed the achievement and the problems existing in the reform of Chinese professional volleyball , especially the problem of the reform in competition system and the problem of the club constructing .