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jiǎng zhāng
  • medal;badge;decoration;gong
奖章 [jiǎng zhāng]
  • (1) [medal]∶授予有功人员的徽章

  • (2) [badge]∶因某项成就(如精通射击)而授予的徽章

  • 事绩奖章

奖章[jiǎng zhāng]
  1. 奖章上刻有“功勋卓越”的字样。

    The medal bears the inscription ' For distinguished service ' .

  2. 为表彰他的奉献精神,市长授予他荣誉奖章。

    For his dedication the Mayor awarded him a medal of merit .

  3. 我们在报头刊登这些奖章的图片。

    We carry illustrations of these medals on our masthead .

  4. 斯派克·米利根最终拿到了早就承诺给他的那块奖章。

    Spike Milligan has finally got the gong he had been promised .

  5. 市长在一次正式的市政招待会上给他颁发了一枚金质奖章。

    The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception

  6. 专门为他铸造了另一枚奖章。

    Another medal was specially struck for him .

  7. 他将链表绕挂在脖子上,就像戴了一枚大奖章。

    He wore the watch and chain looped round his neck like a medallion .

  8. 他因为作战英勇而被授予奖章。

    He was decorated for bravery in battle .

  9. 战争期间上校在婆罗洲服役并被授予一般服役奖章。

    The colonel saw active service in Borneo and was awarded the General Service Medal .

  10. 他们已经在英国各地的花式骑术比赛中赢得了100多枚玫瑰花形奖章。

    They have won over 100 rosettes together in dressage competitions up and down Britain .

  11. 这简直不可思议,应该得到一枚奖章以及总统的电话祝贺。

    This is so extraordinary , it rates a medal and a phone call from the President

  12. 该国给这位民族英雄颁发了国家最高奖章。

    The country bestowed its highest medal upon the national hero .

  13. 那名士兵因在战场上表现英勇而赢得了奖章。

    The soldier earned a medal for his bravery under fire .

  14. 总统授予她一枚奖章。

    The President conferred a metal on her .

  15. 那项发明为他赢得了一枚奖章。

    That invention won him a medal .

  16. 他由于英勇而获得一枚奖章。

    He received a medal for his heroism .

  17. 国家给战争英雄颁发国家最高奖章。

    The country bestowed its highest medal on the war hero .

  18. 这枚奖章是真金制成的。

    This medal is made of genuine gold .

  19. 他给我别上一枚奖章。

    He pinned a medal on me .

  20. 这可能意味着公司可以在电子排行榜上监控员工的生产率并给予获胜者奖励,或者为那些完成某项工作的员工颁发电子奖章或星标。

    It might mean monitoring employee productivity on a digital leaderboard and offering prizes to the winners , or giving employees digital badges or stars for completing certain activities .

  21. 但我完成了!我得到了一枚奖章。

    But I finished ! And I got a medal .

  22. 这枚奖章对我父母来说非常珍贵。

    This medal was very precious to my parents .

  23. 对于受训者来说,这些项目也提供了一个获得奖章的好方法。

    For the trainees , the programs also offer a great way to earn merit badges .

  24. 和许多军事奖章一样,扎克的母亲发现的一枚奖章是家族的珍宝。

    Like many military medals , the one Zac 's mother had found was a family treasure .

  25. 所以当他母亲把奖章给他时,他立刻知道了自己该做什么。

    So when his mother gave him the medal , he knew right away what he had to do .

  26. 贾斯汀则戴上了铜星勋章和V字奖章。

    And Justin is wearing his new Bronze Star , with a V for Valor .

  27. 当然,Clifford得到的奖章最大!

    Of course , Clifford gets the biggest medal of all .

  28. 还获得了总统颁发的,Norm,was,presented,the,National,Medal,of,Technology,国家科技奖章,并且五次获得国防部的,最高级公民奖章,杰出服务奖。

    Norm by the President of the United States and five times has been awarded with the Department of Defense 's highest civilian decoration , the Distinguished Service Medal .

  29. 其中一位拍卖理论家苏珊o阿西(SusanAthey)在今年4月赢得了约翰o贝茨o克拉克(JohnBatesClark)经济学奖章。

    one of them , Susan Athey , won the John Bates Clark medal in April .

  30. 因此Riley被邀请去白宫领取奖章呢!

    Riley is invited to the White House to receive a medal .