首页 / 词典 / good


  • line;wire;thread;string;tie
线 [xiàn]
  • 用丝、棉、麻、金属等制成的细长可以任意曲折的东西:丝~。棉~。~圈。~材。~绳。

  • 几何学上指一个点任意移动所构成的图形:直~。曲~。~条。

  • 像线的东西:光~。视~。~索(a.事情的头绪或门径;b.文学作品中情节发展的脉络或文章的思路)。战~。生命~。

  • 量词,用于抽象事物,数词限用“一”,表示极少:一~希望。


(用丝、棉、金属等制成的细长的东西) thread; string; wire:

  • 棉[丝]线

    cotton [silk] thread;

  • 铜线

    copper wire;

  • 针眼太小线穿不进去。

    The needle-eye is too small to hold the thread.


{数} (一个点任意移动所构成的图形) line:

  • 曲线

    curve; curved line;

  • 直线

    straight line


(用棉线做的) made of cotton thread:

  • 线手套

    cotton gloves;

  • 线衣线裤

    cotton knitwear


(细长像线的东西) sth. shaped like a line, thread, etc.:

  • 光线


  • 线香

    a slender stick of incense


(交通路线) route; line:

  • 长大线

    the Changchun-Dalian Railway (line);

  • 供应线

    supply route [line];

  • 航线

    airline or shipping line;

  • 铁道线

    railway line


(边缘交界的地方) demarcation line; boundary:

  • 边界线

    boundary line;

  • 海岸线


  • 军事分界线

    military demarcation line


(所接近的某种边际) brink; verge:

  • 生命线

    lifeline; lifeblood;

  • 在饥饿线上

    on the brink of starvation;

  • 在死亡线上

    on the verge of death


(思想上、政治上的路线) (political) line:

  • 上纲上线

    raise to a higher plane of principle and two-line struggle


(线索) clue; thread:

  • 案子的线儿断了。

    The clue could not be followed up.


(用于抽象事物, 数词限用“一”):

  • 一线光明

    a gleam of light;

  • 一线生机

    a slim chance of life;

  • 一线希望

    a ray [gleam] of hope

  1. 蓝布中交织着红色和金色的线。

    The blue fabric was interwoven with red and gold thread .

  2. 一种棘齿装置把线从线轴转到梭心上。

    A ratchet mechanism transfers the thread from spool to bobbin .

  3. 汽车下了生产线立即进行校验。

    Cars are checked as they come off the production line .

  4. 在终点线他只是稍微领先。

    He was just fractionally ahead at the finishing line .

  5. 他成功地把球带过线。

    He succeeded in propelling the ball across the line .

  6. 海岸线年复一年地被侵蚀着。

    The coastline is being eaten away year by year .

  7. 公路沿海岸线逶迤而行几英里。

    The road follows the shoreline for a few miles .

  8. 这条路沿着海岸线的自然轮廓延伸。

    The road follows the natural contours of the coastline .

  9. 两匹马同时越过终点线。

    The two horses crossed the finishing line together .

  10. 赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。

    The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth .

  11. 已经订了计划,明年修建这条支路的延伸线。

    There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year .

  12. 拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。

    Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle .

  13. 他们的目的是封锁游击队的供给线。

    Their aim was to block guerrilla supply lines .

  14. 她双腿紧蹬,奔向终点线。

    She sprinted for the line , legs pumping .

  15. 这条铁路线在20世纪50年代就实现了电气化。

    The railway line was electrified in the 1950s .

  16. 走海岸线那条路——这样会好走一些。

    Take the coast road ─ it 'll be less of a haul .

  17. 她在沙地上画了一条线。

    She traced a line in the sand .

  18. 飞机沿海岸线飞行。

    The plane flew parallel to the coast .

  19. 请不要写到这条线下面。

    Please do not write below this line .

  20. 我能看见终点线了,我想我终于成功了。

    I could see the finish line and thought I was home and dry .

  21. 他剪掉了一段金属线。

    He clipped off a length of wire .

  22. 三分之一的人口生活在贫困线或以下。

    A third of the population is living at or below the poverty line .

  23. 汽车在人行横道线未能停车,结果把小孩撞死了。

    The child was killed when a car failed to stop at the crossing .

  24. 一定不要让金属线搭在一起。

    Make sure the wires don 't touch .

  25. 电话线被割断了。

    The telephone wires had been cut .

  26. 电话线缠绕在一起了。

    The telephone cable has got twisted .

  27. 我们沿着岩石嶙嶙的海岸线散步。

    We walked along the rocky shoreline .

  28. 这些平行线像是岔开了。

    The parallel lines appear to diverge .

  29. 他们同时越过终点线。

    They crossed the finishing line together .

  30. 示威者冲破了警方的警戒线。

    Demonstrators broke through the police cordon .