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jiǎng chéng
  • rewards and punishments;rewards and penalties;bonus-penalty;rewards and disciplinary sanctions
奖惩 [jiǎng chéng]
  • [rewards and punishments] 奖励和惩罚

  • 奖惩分明

奖惩[jiǎng chéng]
  1. 聘任和解聘工作人员,实施奖惩;

    Employing and dismissing the staff and executing rewards and punishments ;

  2. 加强信用体系建设,建立健全奖惩机制;

    Construct the credit system , perfect the rewards and punishments mechanism ;

  3. 公司设立了严格的奖惩制度。

    A strict system of and penalties was set up in the company .

  4. 他们制定了一个奖惩表,用加分或冰激凌奖励他。

    They set up a chart to reward him with points or ice cream .

  5. 孩子喜欢受到奖励,因此奖惩制度是训练孩子行为得体的好方法。

    Children easily identify with rewards , so this is a good way to keep their behavior in check .

  6. 他说,他在美国期间坚定了他自由经营、依法办事和奖惩分明的信念。

    His time in america , he says , reinforced his strong belief in free enterprise his strong belief in free enterprise , in the rule of law and in the value of rewarding merit .

  7. 针对Multi-Agent框架体系的分布式控制结构,设计了一种分布式Q学习算法,并且提出了一种适用于交通控制领域的奖惩函数以及分布权值函数。

    A kind of urban traffic coordination control arithmetic based on distributed Q-learning is designed for the distributed control structure of Multi-Agent .

  8. 对被保险人的续保保费进行调整的规则通常称作奖惩系统(BMS)。

    This approach is called Bonus-Malus system ( BMS ) .

  9. 奖惩系统(Bonus-malussystem)是世界各国机动车辆险中广泛采用的一种经验费率厘定机制。

    Bonus-Malus System ( BMS ) is an experience rating method , which is widely accepted in the automobile insurance markets all over the world .

  10. 多智能体Q学习的一个特点是学习过程中的一切都是联合的,包括:联合动作、联合状态和联合奖惩。

    One characteristic of multi-agent Q-learning is all the learning process is combined , including : united action , united states and united rewards or punishments .

  11. 第五章主要通过评价指标进行综合分析和评价,利用MATLAB与SAS软件,通过两种方法对奖惩系统进行了分类。

    In chapter V we do comprehensive analysis and evaluation mainly through the evaluation indicators By using of MATLAB and SAS software , and two ways we classify the BMS .

  12. 汽车保险的奖惩系统(Bonus-malussystem,简称BMS)是广泛应用于世界各国保险公司的一种经验估费系统,主要是根据驾驶者的历史索赔记录来确定其续期保费。

    The Bonus-Malus system ( BMS ) is extensively applied in automobile insurance . Its main idea is to determine the premium according to the driver 's historic claim records .

  13. 本文的结论是:构建一个以项目实施流程为线索的责任成本管理和考核奖惩体系,是EPC总承包工程项目成本管理的核心所在。

    The conclusion is : a process for the implementation of a project management and evaluation costs clues responsibility reward system is notably total project cost management contract at the heart .

  14. 在EVA管理体系下,经营者的奖惩完全取决于EVA,这样就将经营者的利益和股东的利益统一起来,从而使经营者像投资者一样思考,达到保护投资者权益的目的。

    Because , in the EVA system , the salary of the manager only depends on the growth rate of EVA , So the manager will think and make decisions like the real owner & shareholders .

  15. 综合改制模式以EVA(经济增加值)作为业绩衡量指标,奖惩比例采用累进系数法。

    The third one is that in this integrated model EVA ( economic value added ) is the target of achievement and the scale of rewards and punishment adopts according to a number which is change .

  16. 设定统一的可靠性电价-奖惩机制和可靠性指标参考值,在此基础上制定PBR可靠性管理模式的标准。

    The uniform reliability power price-compensation mechanism and reliability indices reference values are designed , and then the standards of the two PBR modes are established .

  17. 流程的不易测量性降低了奖惩强度。(4)在BPO交易价值函数为柯布道格拉斯生产函数的两项业务流程外包中,使用了激励机制。

    The measurement difficulty of business process lowers the R & P Intensity factor . ( 4 ) In two business processes outsourcing with Cobb-Douglas production function , incentive mechanism is used .

  18. 在ACM中,通过定义奖惩函数(对于静态配置)和用户请求到达率(对于动态配置)来作为配置依据,对冗余实例进行动态增加或删除。

    In ACM , by defining award-penalty function ( as for static configuration ) and user request arriving rate ( as for dynamic configuration ) which is the gist of configuration , redundancy instances is added or deleted dynamically .

  19. 因此如何设置适当的PBR奖惩机制既能有效降低电网公司的服务成本,又能保证电网公司的供电可靠性是一个值得研究的问题。

    The method of setting proper reward / penalty structures for PBR to reduce the service cost of distribution companies efficiently as well as to guarantee the supply reliability is still a valuable problem for research .

  20. 介绍HY集团公司的基本情况、该公司全面预算管理的组织机构、内容及特点以及全面预算的编制程序、调整、控制执行、考核奖惩的具体做法。

    This chapter introduces the basic situation about HY Group and its comprehensive budget management which involves the organizational structure , content and features , in addition to the Programming , adjusting and controlling and the specific practices of reward and punishment evaluation . Chapter ⅴ .

  21. 有的同志提出,应当有奖惩制度,这个意见也对。

    Some comrades have proposed a system of rewards and penalties .

  22. 公司的奖惩制度是怎么样的?

    What is the rewards and punishment system in your company ?

  23. 坚持目标考核的工作奖惩机制;

    Insist the work prize and punishment mechanism that target assess ;

  24. 制定有效的考核奖惩制度。

    Establishing an effective system of evaluation , rewards and penalties .

  25. 关于监狱奖惩文书制作的规范性问题

    On Standardization Problems of Making Prison Reward and Punishment Documents

  26. 加大违规损失,增大违规风险,提高奖励力度,奖惩并用提高监督效率;

    Second , increase the loss and risk of violation ;

  27. 奖惩函数及其在经济博奕模型中的应用

    Reward-Penalty Functions and Its Applications in the Model of the Economic Games

  28. 关于建立企业奖惩制度的探讨

    Probe into the Establishment of the Rewards and Penalties System in Enterprises

  29. 另外,公司在体系实施环节中对培训和激励、奖惩方面未能充分体现规范的要求。

    Training , motivation and punishment during quality system implementation .

  30. 奖惩的实施是不受人意志支配的。

    Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference .